Chapter 21

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Then were surrounded by vampires. Ok Amber... think.... Ideas flashed through my head



Give In?

Oh what should we do??!!! We're out numbered by a lot.

"What do you want with us Josh" Dallas snapped.

"Good question.... what could i possibly want from losers like you?" Josh says, fingers tapping his cheek. I bite the inside of my cheek thinking. The vampires come in closer. I glace back at Scar, who is growling.... wait... GROWLING??!!! What the heck is going on..... Ok, stop, focus Amber Focus..... I look around for any exits, or weapons....




"Josh, why are you doing this??" I ask.

"For fun" He says, he flicks his hand, and half of the vampires grip us while the others grab chairs and rope. I look at the vampire that's grasping me. Its a boy. I think about ideas, then it hits me.


I look around and all of the vampires are boys. I look at Dallas he nods, he must of known what i was thinking. Then i look at the group and they all nod. I look up at Josh.

"Hey Josh" I said smiling. He looks up "On three.... One, two .... THREE"

Our whole group picks up our feet and backwards kick the guys in the..... 'Place'. They all release their grasp and groan. That's when we fight. I knock down a guy with one blow, i look at Amelia who is blocking the door with anything in sight. I move on to the next vampire, Dallas soon joins me to fight. After about 10 minutes of fighting, we have all the vampires down except for one. Who was approaching Dallas from behind. Dallas spins around and punches him square in the jaw, which knocks him out. We turn towards Josh. He was smiling.

"Where is the rest of your Army? We were just getting started" Scar says cracking her knuckles. I can't help but smile.

"Ok, Ok, you won" Josh says smiling. Somethings not right... "Now you can have your little Angela back"

"I am not little" Angela say madly crossing her arms. Ok then....

"Oh i am sorry Angie did i hurt your feelings??" Josh teases.

"I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU !!!" Angela screams, she turns around and punches him in the face, she then blasts him with what i am guessing energy. That sends him to the ground. Angela picks up her black high heeled boots and kicks him in the face. Then the weirdest thing happened..... Josh just...


Angela looks at us.

"Are you guys ok?" Angela asks. We all nod slowly. "Listen i am sorry i set you up, acted like a stuck up brat, and i hope you can forgive me"

"We can" I said smiling holding out my arms for a hug, but was interrupted by Dallas's hand.

"Hold on, hold on, last time you said that, you almost got us killed" Dallas said concerned. She sighs.

"What would it take to convince you that i won't set you up??" Angela says sadly. He thinks for a moment.

"Your powers, if you could give them up some how.... then everything would go back to normal." Dallas pointed out. I shrugged.

"One problem, how would we do that?" Angela asks.

"Uh, guys may i suggest WE GET OUT OF HERE?!" Amelia says putting all of her weight on the door. I nod and point towards the window.

"To my house guys" Dallas says.


"Ok, i know how we can fix... you" Amelia says sipping the Hot Coco Dallas made.

"WELL THANKS?!?!" Angela says offended.

"Welcome" Amelia continues "But it would mean a lot of work"

"Can't we have one regular day??" I say laying my head on Dallas's thigh. Dallas smiles.

"How could we do that?" Scar asks putting her head on Luke's shoulder.

"Well, first thing we need.... is Sleep" Amelia said yawning. We all nod.

"We can just sleep here" Dallas suggested. I stand up.

"Ok lets go get all of our stuff, Angela and Amelia, ya'll can come to my house and borrow my stuff and everyone meet back here" I said walking out the front door.

We walk into my room silently, because it was late. I pull out three bags. I fill them up with Clothes for tomorrow, and all that good stuff. I pull out my Unicorn Pjs and hand them to Amelia, and take out my Boise State PJ's and hand them to Angela, and i take out a long sleeve, pink and black "LOVE' shirt, and my black short short pjs for me. We all change and walk back to Dallas's house. In the middle of the street i realized we were wearing Pj's and black boots. I shake my head, drag them back into the house and lend them flip flops.


We all sit in the circle talking, Dallas and I twittling thumbs.

"So Amelia" I said still focused on Dallas's thumb. "What ever happened to-"

"He moved" Amelia said before i could finish.

"Ahhh ok" I said.

"How many more days until your dad comes home?" Scar asks, while Luke is messing with her hair.

"Umm let me check" I pull out my phone to the calander. "Umm... Wow, time flew by!!" I said excitedly.

"WELL???!!" Scar says. She always liked my dad.

"One WEEK!!!" I squealed. She got up and started jumping around. When she finally stopped, Dallas got up and got pillows and blankets for everyone. He sits against a wall woth the pillow at his back. I put my pillow right next to his knee.

I eventually drift away into deep sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AUTHORS NOTE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Heyyy guysss :p I hope you liked my update. I love all my readers and voters SO SO SO SO SO SO much, like its not even funny. I just love the feeling coming home from school, and seeing that my total number of votes went up, it just makes my day :D. I hope you guys continue reading and if you need to say something, dont be afraid to Comment!! I love all feedback, please no curse words, i am a clean person.






Love ya!!



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