Chapter 11

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I want my hair to go back to normal. :D

I change into my ripped super skinny jeans, a red cropped Chicago Bulls t-shirt, and my black and red high tops. I leave my hair down and put my red and black snapback hat on. My mom takes me to my hair stylist.

"AMBER! DARLING!! Want a new coloring?"  Joshua asks. Joshua has been my stylist since i was 10. 

"Hey Joshy! And no, i want my old blonde hair back" I said shaking my head. 

"Ok, we got this new product, that takes all the dye out of your hair, NOT DAMAGED!" He says excitedly, bouncing up and down. I roll my eyes and sit in my favorite chair. The third one on the left. He puts this gel in my hair, and covers it in tin foil. I sit their for a hour Snap Chatting Dallas. He said i look like a alien with the tin foil.  About 1 hour later, Josh comes back and takes out the tin foil. I close my eyes so i dont see it. I hear him gasp.

"Honey! YOUR HAIR IS GREEN!" He says "Just joking, just joking, you look beautiful" I slowly open my eyes, to Josh's hand over his mouth. I roll my eyes and turn my chair around. I gasp. I feel my hair. Its back to my blonde i used to be. I take a picture of it and send it to Dallas. He said i looked amazing, stunning, and beautiful. I blush. I get up and turn toward Josh

"Thank you Joshy, I love it" I said hugging him. He hugs me back.

"You look beautiful" He says as i walk out the door. 

At the house.

My phone buzzes.

Dallas:  Lets hang out blondie.

I laugh.

Me:  ok, where?

Dallas:   idk, where you wanna hang?

Me:    justtt picckkkk.

Dallas:    fine, your house. be there in a minute

Me:   Ok.

I put my phone in my back pocket. I put my snap-back back on. I pick up my room really fast, and make my green bed. My room, main two colors are green and blue. I finish cleaning right when my mom opens the door to let him in. I jump on my bed, fix my hair and act like i was taking a selfie. He knocks on my open door. 

"Who isss itttt?"  I ask not looking up.

"Who do you think?" He asks leaning on the door frame.

"Cookie monster??!!!" I ask still looking at my phone.

"Nope, try again" I hear him laughing.

"uhm... hmm... LIAM HIMSWORTH?" I ask excitedly.


"Ok i give" I admit looking up.

"Yaaaa you sooo didn't know" He jokes. I laugh.

"I knew it was you all along" I say sticking my tongue out at him.

"I like your hair" He said. I twist it on my finger.

"Thank you" I say biting my lip. I invite him in my room. He walks over and sits on my bed. I fall back to lay on my back, he does the same, but puts his hands under his head. I look at him.

"So.............." I say not knowing what to talk about. 

"Sooooo" He responds, obviously not knowing either.

"OH YEAH!" He said sitting up "I have something for you"  I sit up.

"Reaallllyyyy???" I ask excitedly. I always liked gifts. He picks up a gift bag. I give him the 'what could it be?' look. He just smiled and handed me the gift bag. I take out the wrapping paper. I reach down and pick up a hat. I look at it. Its my favorite character. COOKIE MONSTER!! I squeal and hug tackle him. I take off my hat and put it on. 

"I LOVE IT DALLAS!" I screamed. He smiled and hugged me back. I grabbed my cookie monster jacket and put it on, so i would match. We walked down stairs and to the back porch to my mom hand in hand.

"Mom! guess what Dallas gave me!!" I said motioning to my hat with my free hand. 

"How sweet of him." She says not taking her eyes on the bar-b-q. Then i get a idea.

"Hey mom, do you think there is enough for my friends?" I ask crossing my fingers.

"Honey, I am on my 5th chicken, and i got 10 more, yes there is enough, and yes go invite your friends, have a party, tell them to bring stuff over. Dallas and I call up everyone we know. And i made a list of people who can make it and whos bringing what

Dallas - Soda

Scar-  Brownies

Angela-  Cake

Micheal-   appetizers

Gus-  Fudge

Amelia- Triple Chocolate Cookies

I squeal and hug Dallas. I run to the closet to get all the things i need to set up. We put a red table cloth on the table, and i re-arrange the furniture so the coffee table can be reachable. I put the plates out. I string up lights, with the help of Dallas, on the celing and through out the back yard. I set up the fire place, with chairs around it for smore's. I hear the doorbell ring and i race Dallas through the Maze of rooms to the front door. I get there first and i nearly run into the door. I open it and i see Scar, Gus, Micheal, and Angela. I let them in, and Dallas helps carry the dishes to the main table. I was about to close the door, until Amelia runs up gripping her cookies. I smile and laugh and let her in. I meet everyone in the dining room.

"YOUR HAIR!!!" Angela, Amelia, and Scar squeal out. I laugh. They come up and feel it.

"Haven't seen blonde on you since... like 4 years ago." Scar says stroking my hair awkawrdly on purpose. We all laugh.

"New hat?" Scar asks pointing to my cookie monster hat. 

"Yes, Dallas gave it to me" I smile and hug Dallas.

"No denial." He says shrugging. 

The rest of the night goes so fast like a  blur, all i remeber is filling up on all the deserst, and the smore's. Then i remeber escourting everyone out, and kissing Dallas goodnight. I walk upstairs and put on my monkey pj's and plop into bed, and fall instantly asleep.

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