Chapter 23

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I wake up on a really hard surface, wood, then i remember where i am. I open my eyes and sit up, i see everyone on the floor except for one person.


I look around frantically. That's when i notice it, the whole place is messed up. Even more, there is a huge hole in the ceiling, surrounded in black.

"GUYS!!! WAKE UP!! ANGELA IS GONE!!!" I scream scared. No one budges. I think, if they aren't going to wake up i have to go see what is going on. I walk outside, and i see the bridge is still up. I walk carefully across it.

"HOW ARE YOU AWAKE?!" Screams a scary but familiar voice, i look around and see no one. I must be imagining it. "LISTEN TO ME AMBER!" This time it was coming from above me. I look up and see this dark cloud, like pitch black, not in the sky but right above my head.

"Who's there??" I ask getting scared.

"You must be the... no this can't be!!!" The cloud says, moving in front of me, then transforms into the one and only Angela.

"Angela?!" I asked, it didn't work.

"How are you awake?!" Angela asks again.

"How are you still... .evil?" I ask ignoring her question.

"It obviously didn't work, now ANSWER MY QUESTION!!" She yells.

"Um... i don't know why am I awake?" I asked out loud.

"There is only one explanation..... your the Angel of Light......" Angela says.

"We arn't joking around here Angela why am i awake?" I asked getting a little aggravated. Angela sits on the floor. I swallow.

"What is the Angel of Light?" I ask, sitting down in front of her.

"I will tell you the story....."


There was 50 Underworlders, meaning vampires werewolves and so on..... And there was 2 girls. They were given powers, if one used them for bad, she became the Angel of Darkness, if used for Good, Angel of Light. See the two girls, Charlotte and Rose. These two girls became best friends. They were never told of their true power. They found out when they were messing around in a forest, Rose, got mad at Charlotte, they had a huge fight, they split up. Rose ran away to the Dark Forest, Charlotte the clover field. Rose then ran into a Alpha Male werewolf, who taught her everything about her powers, only the bad powers. He told her she could run the world, as long as she destroyed Charlotte. She knew that she was mad at Her, but she could never hurt her best friend. But she still did bad stuff. On the other hand Charlotte, ran into the Moon Goddess, who taught her everything about her powers. Good and Bad. She chose good, so she was also told that she had to destroy Rose, she knew she couldn't hurt Rose. But she still went around and helped, and fixed everything broken by Rose. So when they found their, husbands, they had 3 boys, and 1 girl, that every other girl of each section of family, was either the Angel of Light, or the Angel of Darkness....


"Wait.... that made my grandma the Angel of Light?" I say getting a little wheezy. She nods. I shake my head.

"That means we have to.... destroy.... the other..." Angela says slowly. I swallow.

"no... i cant hurt you Angela...." I stutter "Let alone destroy you..."

"We HAVE too... just not here... not now....." Angela responds.

"Ya think?!" I say rocking back and forth.

"Im leaving" Angela snorts. She flys away. I bring my knees up to my chest to burry my face in my knees. I feel a firm hand on my shoulder, I look up, to see Dallas.

"Amber.... WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED?!?!" Dallas says shaken up a bit.

"Your asking me??"

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