Chapter 26

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Ok so i have been on vacation for a while and i still am, but i got this new bluetooth wireless keyboard, which I'm writing with now. If there are spelling mistakes its mostly my keyboard. So if you see any mistakes please comment on it for me. Thanks!


"So are my powers gone or what?" I ask Scar. She lifts her shoulders and lets them fall.

"Hey Amelia. Are Ambers powers gone?" She cups her hands around her moouth so Amelia could hear.

"Lets test" Amelia says rubbing her forehead. "Make her mad"

About 10 minutes later of pretty much abuse, I was fuming. I stomp my foot and Luke goes flying. Luke was the one that made me mad. He falls to the floor 20 feet away from where he was standing. He stumbles up and waves his hand to yell "I'M OKAY!!!" Scarlet laughs at him, soon joined from the rest of us.

"So when do you have to fight her?" Dallas says breaking the laughterr.

"When ever we are ready" I took a wild guess. He nods.

"Lets go to my house." Dallas says looking at me. Scar looks down at her wrist like shes looking at her 'watch'.

"If ya look at the time, it flys fast when your havig fun, so Luke, Amelia and I can't go" Scars says glaring at Amelia and Luke.

"Ya we have to do... things" Luke says. They bolt off leaving Dallas and I. He rubs the back of his neck. I bite my lip and look down rubbing my arm.

"Ok then, i guess its just you and me" He says, we start walking back. Once we get there we walk upstairs to his room. I flop down on his bed face first feeling his bed consume me. I roll over no longer able to breathe in comforter. I look at Dallas who is turning on his tv. He grabs a coke can out of the mini fridge, opens it no problem. He takes a quick sip some misses his mouth and falls to his shirt. He ignores it, that annoys me.

"Dallas, honey you spilled some on your shirt" I say like I'm speaking to a baby.

"Should get a new shirt?" He ask putting down his coke can. I nod. "Wait.... your asking me to take off my shirt" I shrug then nod. He turns around and pulls off his shirt. I follow is muscular back down to his jeans, that are showing a strip of boxers. Usually i would be mad at this but for some reason I'm not. He turns and i direct my eyes to his abs. He notices me staring at him. He sits down next to me, and leans against me. His bare chest is warm. I sigh in happiness. Dallas leans down and kisses my forehead. I look up at him. He cradles my head in his hands and kisses me. I hear a meow behind me i pull back open my eyes and turn towards the sound. I see a Black cat, with white under belly, white paws and grayish 'eyebrows'. I look at Dallas confused

"I didn't know you had a cat" I say.

"That's Molly, she is my sisters" I nod and let Molly sniff my hand she comes closer and claws my shirt then runs away. I look down at my shirt, it was shredded just under my lungs. I frown..

"Here." Dallas says giving me a plaid button up shirt. I nod and take it.. I turn away from Dallas and take off my ripped shirt and put on the plaid shirt i button down about to where it covers my bra then turn to him still buttoning, i stop when i notice he is staring at my bare stomach.

"I know i gained a few pounds" i frown. He didn't say anything. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to him. He looked up at me and we kissed. He rubbed my back but when he got close to my but or to high i slapped his face lightly. He pulled back he had one red cheek i kissed it then purposely stood in front of the tv. He pulled m down too his lap and placed his head on my shoulder. I laugh. He burps loudly and blows it in my face.

"EWWW!!!!!!!" I squeal trying to get up out of his lap but he wrapped his arm around my lower stomach and just pulled me back down. Then i thought of it he hates being licked by animals so i will try it. I lean down and licked his hand He lets go. I jump up but he grabs my hand and pulls me back playfully. He wipes his hand down my leg.

"Grosssssss" I say smiling.

"Hey, your the one that licked me."

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