Chapter 10

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I call up Dallas and said to meet me by the stop sign. I changed into ripped short shorts,  a  cropped t-shirt that says California Girl, my red and black Jordan's, and i grabbed my sunglasses. I put my phone in my back pocket. I run into my garage and look through all my skateboards. i pull out my black one, with red wheels, and set it on the floor. I run inside and grab Gunner's leash, and grab Gunner. Then i skate down to the stop sign with Gunner running at my side. I see Dallas sitting on the curb listening to his music. I slow down to a stop in front of him. Gunner goes up in his face and licks his cheek. He looks up and pets Gunner, and takes off his head phones. Now that i can see Dallas, he is wearing black athletic shorts hanging sort of off his hips, to where some of his boxers show.  A red shirt. LIKE ME. And a Chicago Bulls snap-back, backwards. And red Jordan's. Woah. Hawt bomb. I put Gunners leash on my arm and walk up to hug him. He hugs me back, and kisses me on the cheek. I smile at him. I let Gunner go, and he runs home.

"Hey" I say biting my lip and twirling my hair. I takes off his hat and pushes his hair back, and puts it back on.

"Hey" He replies. We exchange smiles. 

"Lets go for a walk" I suggest. We walk down the street, holding hands.

"Soooooooooo" He says breaking the awkward silence.

"Sooooooooo" I laugh back.  We walked to the park. I walk over to the swings and sit down on one. He sits down on the one next to me. He held his hand back out, and i took it. We talk for alittle while. He takes his hand back and pats his lap. 

"Want to sit?" He asks patting his lap. I push my eyebrows up, he says im really cute when i do that.

"Tempting.... but whats in it for me?" I ask biting my lip. 

"A big, hug" He says tilting his head in a cute way. I melt inside. I get up and sit on his lap. He wraps his arms around my waist, and i put my hands on his. I turn my head to see him and he smiles. I pull out my phone to take a picture of us, I was about to take it, and i decided to turn and kiss him on the cheek right when i took it. I pulled it up. I never noticed it but we are really cute together. I put that as my home-screen. He puts his chin on my shoulder. I see two people walking far away to the park. A girl and a guy. When they come closer i recognize them. Its Angela and Micheal, holding hands. They are cute together to. I wave to Angela and she waves back. She claims the swing and makes Micheal sit on the floor. I laugh. 

"You guys are really cute together" I said looking from Angela to Micheal. She blushed.

"You two are even cuter together!!" She squeals. I roll my eyes. Dallas kisses me on the cheek. I put my hand up to his face and give him a light push back.  He sticks out his tongue and it touches my hand.

"Ewww" I joke around, and i wipe his slobber on his shirt. We all start cracking up. I was talking to Angela when Dallas took his hat and put it on my head backwards. I glance up but keep talking. I stood up needing to strech my legs. Dallas gets up and streches also. I run back to the swing and plop down in it before he can get  to it. I laugh.

"I will sit on you if you don't get up" He says crossing his arms.

"Dare you" I dared him. Sure enough he turned around and sat on my lap.

"WAH! you have a bony butt!" I said squiming. Which is weird because he is really muscular.  His butt bone was digging into my legs. 

"Ok ok! you can have your swing back" I give up putting my arms in the air. He gets up. I follow. He sits down in the chair and smiles like a little girl. Angela gets up to sit with her boyfriend who is now on the playset, for little kids, sitting staring off in space. I take her seat. I see Dallas get up then go behind me. I feel a light, but strong push on my back and im swinging. He keeps pushing me until i am too high for him to reach. I feel like a kid again. When my swing slows down, to where i can put my feet down.  Dallas squats down at my feet and takes off my shoe. Next thing i know i am running chasing after him. I corner him between two rock walls. I smile, and lick my lips.

"I gotcha now" I say. He shrugs and holds out my shoe. I reach for it, and he grabs my wrist and pulls me against him. I am surprised.

"Good move, you surprised me" I admit. He kisses my cheek. I blush. Then he kisses my forehead, then on my chin, and on my ear. I shiver. I put my hand on his chest, and he stops and looks at me. His brown hair brings out his deep blue eyes. I smile and kiss him on the lips. I feel him smiling. Do what Scar said, make a entrance, and a exit. I pull away and turn around with a hair flip and walk back to the swings. 

"How was that session?" Angela asks.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I ask confused.

"You really are a blonde on the inside." Angela rolls her eyes.

"Hey! just becuase i dyed my hair redish brown, doesnt mean i arn't a blonde anymore!" I said laughing.  Dallas walks up.

"You had blonde hair?" He asks looking at my hair. 

"Yes.... I got it dyed this year...."  I said stroking my hair.

"Ok." He said. Shrugging.

"I was think of letting my blonde hair grow back.... what do you think Dallas?" I ask holding my hair out in front of my face.

"Whatever you do, you will look amazingly beautiful." He smiles. I blush. We all walk home, Dallas walks me home and kisses my goodbye. I walk inside and go check my hair in the mirror. Sure enough, my blonde hair is making its way down my head slowly. I groan. I dont think i am going to dye it again.

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