Chapter 7

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 I cant believe my mom accepted Dallas! Last time i brought a boy home was Gus, we were going to hang out because Scarlet wasn't home, she spazed out! 

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BE-I hit my alarm clock off.

I sit up in bed and strech. Monday. I smiled, I get to see Dallas today. I get up and walk to my dresser. I pick out a Black real leather skater skirt, and a white shirt with 'love you' written in red across it. I pick out my red skating shoes. I am in the skating mood. I am gonna skateboard to school today with, Scar and Gus, and possibly Dallas, maybe Luke too. I did a group message.

Me:   You guys i am in the mood to skateboard to school u with me?

Scar:   Uh- YA GURL

Gus:   sure

Luke:    Okay

Dallas:  Sure, lets all meet at the stop sign, in..... 10 minutes.

I walk downstairs, we have 2 muffins left from two days ago. I shrug and eat one, and save the other in my hand. I walk upstairs and brush my teeth and hair. I am going to leave my hair down today. I do my regular make-up. I grab my backpack and walk downstairs and into the garage. I hop on my long board and skateboard to the stop sign. As i was waiting i started eating my other muffin. Then Scar, Gus, and Luke walk out of their houses and meet me. 

"MUFFIN!!!" Gus yells. That is one of his favorite foods. I give him the rest. And he eats it in one bite. I laugh. Dallas shows up out of no where.

"I wanted it" He jokes. We push off to school. We talk all the way there, we decide to take a short cut and then its only 1 and a half miles away. We laugh and talk about how people in golf are always so quiet and boring. We get to school with 5 minutes left. We walk into school and put our skateboards in our lockers. 

"Nice board" Dallas says stuffing his skateboard in his locker. 

"Thanks you too" I pointed out. I got all my books out and lean my shoulder against my locker. He finishes getting his books out. I have never really noticed how muscular he is.

"You should join the football team" I said poking his arms. 

"Thats like me telling you to not do any sports" He said looking at my eyes. "So no" He finished.

"Ok, continuing with basketball?" I asked looking at his hands. "I bet i am better than you" I laugh.

"I bet not" He says back. 

"Okay, lets settle this at the rec center after school, and our group can watch us" I said crossing my arms.

"Ok, but can you play in a skirt" He pointed out.

"Yes, the real question is, can you play at all" I say smiling.

"I guess we will figure that out after school" He said. He leans down and kisses me on the lips. We walk to first period together. He manged to get this small kid to get up next to me so he can sit there. I laugh and roll my eyes. 

"Class, we got a new student, some of you might now her, she got a scedule change, her name is Angela" She say. I flip around and look at Angela. I wave. She waves back excitedly. I shoosh this kid out of the seat next to me and she comes and sits there. All through class i could feel Dallas staring at me. I twirl my hair around my figers and bite my lip, and perpously looking at the clock above his head. The rest of the day went really fast. Our group (Gus, Luke, Micheal, Scar, Angela, Me, and Dallas) All went to the rec center. I had a advantage over Dallas, I had changed into my Basketball clothes when i got there, and i had brought my shoes. And Dallas was wearing jeans. HA.

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