Chapter 20

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As i walked down the street to my house from the bus i tried to think about a good plan about Angela. So i decided to call over Dallas, Scar, Luke, and Amelia. They all could come. 10 minutes later, i hear the door swing open, and people walk in, then i hear the door close.

"ITS US" Scar screams up.

"UP HERE" I scream back down. I sit in my swirly chair and listen to the footsteps up the stairs.

"Hey" Scar and Amelia say poking their heads in, then they walk inside, i see Luke and Dallas waiting at the door. I wave my hand to invite them inside. Luke runs straight to the beanbag and plops down on it. I roll my eyes, and look at Dallas. He looks nervous, scared, and awkward. I get up and give him a reassuring hug. He smiles then loses all his emotions.

"Okay! ORDER ORDER IN THE COURT" I say hitting my pen against my desk. Once everyone stops talking i spin around to face them.

"We need to talk about Angela." I say crossing my arms and lean back into my chair.

"Like gossip??!!" Amelia says. I shake my head.

"we need to figure out what happened when she disappeared, so if you have any ideas. Please speak up" I say. They all have blank stares on their faces.

"Problem." Amelia speaks up, I turn my attention to her "I don't go to your school"

"Oh ya....." I say thinking.

"We could go to what Micheal and Angela where talking about at their lockers." Dallas suggests.

"Text him." I demand. He does.

"He says it's a party, in the at Drake's house, and it starts at 7." Dallas reads off his phone. I chew on my nails as i think. I know its a bad habit, but it helps me think.

"Guys, looks like were crashing a party" I say sitting up straight. Everyone stays still but, Scar and Dallas form a smile. I smile.

"Wear as much Black as you can" I say, as i walk them out the door. Dallas stays and turns.

"I don't have any black....." He said. I knew he was just making a excuse. I cross my arms.

"Mhmm" I say rolling my eyes. "Whats the real reason?"

"I wanted to do this" He said, he cupped my face in his hands and kissed me. He pulled away and i smiled. I look into his eyes for a little bit, then he says "Meet me at my house at 6:00 i will tell the rest." I nodded, and he left. I smile and run upstairs. I go through my closet and look for black. I come across and really tight, really short black strapless dress. I bring it out, and bring out a leather jacket, and above the knee boot high heels. I put it all on, then put on smokey eye shadow, and thick eyeliner. I leave my hair down, and look at the clock.


I smile, put my phone in a pocket of the leather jacket, then run downstairs and out the door to Dallas's house, trying not to break my heel, but i have plenty of practice with high heels. I get there and knock on the door, on the second knock, Dallas opens the door. At first i didn't recognize him, wearing all chains and black. I look at him and he looks at me.

"We would totally pass as vampires" He said.

"Did you forget? We are vampires" I said protruding my fangs, he smiles, and i 'suck' them back in my gum, he lets me inside. I see the others, wearing all black, leather, and chains. I walk up to Scar and Amelia.

"Nice" We all say at the same time while looking at each others outfits. I feel a arm wrap around my waist, I look to my left and see Dallas, looking down at me, i don't have to get on the tip of my toes because of my heels, i kiss him on the cheek and i look back at Scar.

"I am so happy ya'll got back together!!" Scar squeals. I smile.

"Ok, so the only way we can get there, is skateboarding...." Dallas says. I look down at my heels. I can always take off. We walk to Dallas's garage, and turns out he has more skateboards than me. I walk over and grab a long board. I take off my heels and hold them. Dallas leads the way, me right next to him. He starts slowing down, and that's when i start hearing loud music, i see alot of people decked out in black in the yard.

"I don't know about this guys." I say as we stop across the street. I stop and put my shoes back on. Dallas grabs my hand. We all walk up to the front door, which was open. We walk in, the whole house was packed. I squeeze Dallas's hand and he returns my squeeze. We all stick together and look around. Dallas and I stay towards the back off the group. I feel someone'e hand smack me in the butt. I stop and turn around, i see this guy standing there checking me out. Dallas must of known what happened because when he turned around. He hissed at the guy showing his fangs. The guy just shrugs and leaves. I run my tongue over my teeth, and i feel my fangs. I feel the anger heat coming off of Dallas. I can't help but smile, and of course right when i smile Scar turns around and sees my fangs. She freezes, then smiles.

"Nice add on!" Scar says pointing to her teeth, i let out a sigh when she turns around. I look up at Dallas and he is scanning the crowd. He stops, along with our group. He points to across the room, I follow his gaze, to Angela talking to the guy that hit me. I shrug. Then i see her get on her tippy-toes and kiss him. He cups her face and kisses her back. Then they start making-out.

"It looks like they will swallow each other" I stated. I see Micheal walk into that room carrying two cups, he throws the two cups to the floor and marches over to that guy. The guy pulls away, and looks up at him. Micheal is bigger and stronger than him. Micheal throws a punch which sends him across the room. Angela looks from Micheal to the guy. Micheal turns towards her and gives her the most hatred look i have ever seen. Micheal storms out of the room and pushes past us and out the front door. Angela starts running towards him but Dallas a Luke hold her back. We take her into a empty room and sit her down, then lock the door.

"Listen Angela," I started, but was interrupped by her sobs. "Stop crying! It was your fault you kissed that guy!" She sniffled, but stopped crying.

"W-w-w-why are you here?" She chokes out.

"Because we are here to help you" I said.

"Why would you want to help me?" She stuttered.

"One because we are your friends, and two you practically saved me from Josh" I said, shaking from that thought.

"I was being a brat, and jerk to you guys." She said wiping her eyes.

"Yes, but your still our friend and that's what friends do, now we are going to ask questions and your going to answer them, ok?" I demanded. She nodded.

"What happened when Josh took you?" Dallas asks walking up. She thinks a moment.

"Oh, he turned me into a vampire, then treated me like a queen, he was really sweet, then he got to business and took me to this place.... i can't really remember where..... then turned my into a Dark Angel...." She shakes her head "Now i am here"

"Where is Josh??" Dallas demanded.

"Umm.... give me a second" She closed her eyes, then opened them "Upstairs"

"Ugh" I hit my face with my hand.

"Lets go" Dallas said, practically dragging her out of the chair. We make our way upstairs. Angela opens the door to Josh, looking out the window without a shirt on. We walk inside and close the door silently.

"I was wondering when you'd come up here" He said floating up and turning towards us. I swallow my tight throat. "And you have brought friends" He smiled. Angela walked over to him and turns to mouth 'I am sorry'. I look at Dallas confused. Then were surronded by vampires.

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