Chapter 15

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I sit on a couch, crying. Josh comes over and sits next to me and puts his elbows on his knees.

"Listen, i am sorry about what happened back there" He says trying to comfort me. I wipe a tear.

"I want him out, i never want to see him again" I said angerliy.

"Well, first of all he lives down the street, and second of all, he is in most of your classes." He says. I laugh alittle. I shrug.

"WELL, your in 5 of them" I pointed out, he shruged.

"And?" He says.

"Sorry for turning you into a vampire, now you have to be with me alot..." He says hanging his head.

"And that bad how?" I asked. He looks up and we lock eyes, i look away embarrased.

"I just thought...." He trailed off, something about his voice make me get goose bumps and butterflies in my stomach....

"Thought what?" I asked. Looking back at him.

"Never mind... Anyway.... Are you hungry?" He asked. I nod.

"FOOD..... Wait, do i have to eat a rat?" I asked looking at my hands.

"No, we actually have a buffet of hamburgers, hotdogs, mac n' cheese-" He started but i interuped.

"You had me at Buffet" I said getting up and grabing his wrist again and dragging him. I take a left, out of guessing and he stops.

"its this way" He said, he floated up in the air and turned and started down that hallway.

"Just think about floating" He said. He read my mind. Floating. Next thing i knew i was up next to Josh floating in the air.

"This, is....... AWESOME" I shriek. He puts his finger up to his lips. I shrink back. He takes a right, and another right, then walks through double doors, right when he opens the door, the scent hits me. I smell delicious food. I fly over to the big table, grab a plate and start stuffing my plate with food. I hear Josh coming up behind me laughing. I laugh and keep adding food. I was about to put my plate down at a table, but Josh shakes his head and motions me to follow him, we go out in the hallway and go up 10 flights of stairs. At the top he opens a door and we walk out, we are on top of the building, there is a great veiw of our city, i see a green house on the far end, and he takes me in it. He lays down a blanket and we eat there.

"This place is beautiful" I say looking at all the beautiful flowers.

"Ya, its one of my favorite places to go, no one comes here anymore" He said. I am taken back on this, becuase he plays football... I shrug.

"Whats your other favorite places?" I ask.

" I will show you after this" He says. We finish our plates and he walks over to the edge of the building and floats down, i do the same. When we hit the floor lightly, he goes behing the building and there is beautiful trees with pink flowers covering them, he takes me down the middle path, then takes a right, where there is a small clearing, he sits on the floor, and i sit in front of him. I admire the pink trees.

"These are Cherry Blossom Trees" He informed me. "This place is where i am going to have my first date" He says looking up at the trees.

"Romantic," I continued "You haven't had your first date yet?" I asked.

"Nah, i haven't found the right girl" He said. He picked up a pebble and threw it to the left of him.

"Ah ok" i said looking down. I picked up a pebble and threw it. We both reached down for the same pebble and he grabbed my hand on accident, i blushed and pulled away. He stood there for a while then picked it up and threw it. I could see that he was smiling. I hear voices, a girls and a guys. I stand up slowly, along with Josh. We look around each tree to see who was talking, we couldn't find anyone so we decided to go for a walk. We were walking down the sidewalk, when we came across Dallas, walking with his hood up, hands in pocket. I narrow my eyes. I feel anger build up inside of me. 

"Oh you little-" I started then was interupped by Josh's hand on my arm. I glare up at Josh. 

"Ok then?! Dallas, since we ran into each other, Whats wrong with you? How could you do that to me?" I asked. Dallas looks up confused.

"What? What do you mean?" He asked. 

"What do you mean what do i mean?" I asked confused.

"What did i do to you?" He asked confused.  

"Y-y-you kissed a girl, right in front of me" I said, i feel a knot forming in my throat, "YOu kissed her, then said..." I trail off. Dallas looks at Josh, then back at me with a confused face.

"Amber, i would have never done that to you" He said reaching his hand out, i step back from it.

"You did, and i saw you" I choked out. 

"Amber,"  He said stepping forward. "If i did, i don't remeber, i am sorry"

"get....away" I said looking down at my feet. It started raining then pooring, but we all stood in the rain. 

"I, never.... want to see you again.... get away" I choked out. Dallas looked hurt.

"I SAID GET AWAY!!" I screamed. He just stood there. 

"You heard her get away before i kick your butt" Josh says crossing his arms.

"Like she trusts you!" Dallas says jabbing his  finger at Josh's chest.

"I, do, he's a better friend then you'll ever be" I said mad. Dallas let out a low growl / sigh, and turns and bolts. Josh looks back at me, tears falling down my face.

"We better get inside, you look like a racoon" He says trying not to laugh. I let out alittle laugh. May mascara must be running. I smile and nod. We turn he puts his arm around my shoulders, i put my arm on his waist.

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