Chapter 18

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I wake up in me own bed, in my own room. I yawn and throw my legs over the side.I get up and stretch. I walk into my bathroom. I am still wearing the clothes i had on last night. I have been doing that a lot lately.  I change into a pair of black spandex shorts, and a loose white shirt. I walk down stairs, and pull out a bowl, cereal, and milk. I sit down at the island and eat. I hear a loud, growling, breath. I stand up, walk slowly to the knives, i grab the biggest one. I walk towards the sound. I bend down be hind the couch. I spring up and stab down at the couch with my eyes closed. I open them and look down at what i stabbed. I missed Josh by a hair, i cut his shirt. He must have been snoring. I put the knife back, i grab a couch pillow and swing it at his face with force. He springs up.

"OUCH?!" I says loudly rubbing his head. His hair is all messed up. I laugh.

"Shut up, have you seen your hair?" He laughs. I walk back to the kitchen with him at my heels. I offer him cereal. 

"Nah, you got bacon? I will cook it" He offered. My mouth drooled at the thought of bacon. I nod and grab bacon out of the fridge and hand it to him. I eat my cereal staring at him and waiting for him to finish. Once he finished one piece. I act like i was going to get something from the fridge but i took the bacon and took a bite out of it. It was delicious, i tasted the grease, it practically melted in my mouth. I was going for another bite, and it was took out of my hand by Josh, and he put it all in his mouth. I drop my mouth.

"Heeeyyyyyy" I say with a sad face.

"Hi" He jokes. I roll my eyes and go back to my Lucky Charms. 10 minutes later he brings over a plate with about 20 pieces of bacon on it. I take 10 and he takes 10. We scarf it down.

"Your a very good cook" I said licking my fingers. He smiles.

"I have had a lot of practice." He adds. 

"Wanna go for a ride, to my favorite place?" I ask. He smiles.

"On skateboards" I added. His smile faded. 

"I don't have a skateboard, but i know how to ride.

"Follow me" I said walking to my garage. I open the door and walk to my wall of skateboards. His jaw drops at all the choices. I pick out a newer one for me. It was black, with a neon green stripe down the middle, with light up green wheels, penny board.  He picks up my red and black one. We ride to the park. I snag a swing, and he sits next to me.  We talked for about 20 minutes then i heard a leaf crack. I look up.

"Dallas, I said stay away from me" I said angrily. 

"I wanted to say sorry, i don't know what got into me that night, it wasn't me, you have to believe me" He says.

"How wasn't that you? Clearly, it was" I said, my legs shaking. Some part of me wanted to run up and hug him, i still loved him, and the other part of me wanted to cry and run away. I stayed put. 

"I can't explain, but you shouldn't trust him" Dallas says pointing to Josh. 

"Why shouldn't i trust him?" I asked confused.

"Because he is using you!" He says. I want to believe him but i can't. 

"What are you talking about? I was there for her when you kicked her to the curb!" Josh defends himself.

"Amber, please, you don't have to forgive me, just trust me and stay away from him, he is using you!" Dallas pleads with his eyes.

"Your honestly going to believe him? He Kissed another girl IN FRONT OF YOU" Josh says standing up raising his voice.  I look from Josh to Dallas. 

"Please, Amber i don't want you to get hurt, he WILL hurt you, he is using you! Trust me Amber please... Please" Dallas says still pleading with his eyes.

"HOW?! How will i use her?" Josh screams.

"YOU KNOW HOW JOSH! YOU KNOW HOW!!!!" Dallas screams. I bury my face in my hands.

"I shouldn't even call you Josh!" Dallas continues "Why don't you tell Amber your REAL name? Huh?"

"My real name? You want to know my real name huh? Alright i will tell you" Josh faces me i pick my head up. "MY real name is   Josh Kendrick Darc-Moon 3rd" 

I look at Dallas confused.

"And your title" Dallas says crossing his arms.

"Leader Darc-Moon, of Darkness" Josh says. 

"Nice title dork" I snort. Josh grows fangs and his eyes glow red when he hissed at me.  

"Why do you need me?!" I ask angerliy.

"I need a queen, a Angel of Darkness" Josh says keeping his eyes red.

"Like i would help you" I say backing away to Dallas.

"You were, you were on stage 2 out of 3" Josh says smirking.

"Stage 2?" I ask confused.

"Stage 1- Develop a 'relationship' with victiom, Stage 2- Make victiom trust you, Stage 3- Turn victom into Angel of Darkness. Or we could have gone the harder part, but faster" Josh says wrinkling his forehead. I swallow hard.

"You lied to me? All this time? It was all a lie?" I say choking on tears. 

"Clever right? I picked the perfect victiom too, one with a heart that needed 'saving, ha Easy target" He smirks. 

"Your plan is ruied" Dallas says.

"It was working at first, when i put you under that serum that made you kiss that nurse, and turn against your precioous Amber" Josh laughs eviliy. "Then you broke free, I don't know how, but you did"

"Out of the power of love" Dallas says looking into my eyes. 

"HA! Love?! PA-THETIC!" Josh screams. I hear running footsteps toward our back.

"AMBER!!" Angela and Scar scream. I turn around. I feel two strong arms wrap around my chest tightly, and pull me off the ground. 

"AMBER!!!!!" Angela, Scar, and Dallas scream.

"Aww look, your friends came to watch you turn into my Angel." Josh says in my ear. I feel a tear drip down my cheek.

"TAKE ME NOT HER JOSH!" Angela screams up. I look down.

"NO ANGELA! NO!!" I scream at her. Tears rush down my cheeks.

"hmm.... Tempting...." Josh says thinking. I swallow hard and continue crying.

"PLEASE TAKE ME!!!!" Angela scream up choking on tears. I hear Scar crying, I look at her she is rolled up in a ball crying. Dallas is crying.

"NO!" I scream at Angela, my feet dangling. Dallas jumps up into flight. Josh puts his hand up, and i hear a loud 'BOOM' and i see Dallas fall hard to the floor.

"DALLAS!" I scream crying. I try to loosen Josh's grip, but he is to strong. I see the ground coming closer to me. Josh drops me and picks up Angela. 

"ANGELA!!" I scream trying to jump up and grab Angela's dangling foot. 

"JOSH STOP!!! PLEASE!!!" I scream up.

"Its ok Amber, I was ment for this. Its ok" Angela says crying. I feel a thump in my throat.

"PLEASE!!!" I scream. Anglea shakes her head crying.  I see Josh bite Angela in the side of the neck. She closes her eyes. Still crying.

"ANGELA!!! NO!!!" I scream.  When she opens them they are red. A drop of her tears lands on my hand and glows then disapears as Josh and Angela disapear in thin space.

"ANGELA!!" I scream. I start crying harder.

"Angela... no...."

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