Chapter 22

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 I wake up at the noise of someone snoring, loudly. I look around and see I am guessing Dallas's dog, snoring loudly. As i get up my elbow decides, 'Hey, lets turn on the lights to wake everyone up!'. Yup, that happened, my elbow hit the switch which woke EVERYONE up. Angela wasn't very happy about this. 

"WHY THE HECK DID YOU TURN ON THE LIGHTS AND WAKE EVERYONE UP!??!!!!???!!!" Angela screams tiredly. I cross my arms and purse my lips.

"Sorry, i am grouchy in the morning." She says apologetically. I nod.

"Okay so how do we fix... her?" I ask, glancing at everyone.

"I honestly, don't know." Angela says shaking her head.

"Wow. Guys. I told you i know how!!" Amelia says hitting her face with her palm.

"Oh yaaaaa!" I say. 

"Ok, we need to go to my shop." She said looking around. 

"Ok lets go." Dallas said.


"Woooooooooaaaaaahhhhhhhhh" Scar says looking around.

"Uh-oh.... Amelia... what was the last time you have been here?" Angela asks a little scared.

"Umm.... about three weeks.... why?" Amelia asks curiously.

"oh great" Angela takes her turn hitting her face. I turn towards Angela.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"Umm.... we maybe broke in and smashed everything, then took the rest" Angela says really fast.

"you, WHAT?!!!" I raise my voice.

"Just go look..." Angela was shaking her head. We were a step ahead of her, we already had the bridge up. We all run inside, and sure enough, it was trashed. Amelia's mouth drops to the floor (not literally).

"ANGELA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Amelia screams in her face.

"I am sorry" Angela says.

"CLEARLY YOUR NOT!!! YOU WOULD HAVE FIXED IT IF YOU WERE!! NOW ITS ALL GONE! WE CAN'T FIX WHAT YOU BECOME!" Amelia screams. She runs into the back room and slams the door. I groan and run to the door. I knock.

"Go away" Amleia says.

"Its me" I say.  "We can fix this" 

"No you can't, i had potions for everything. It took me 10 years to collect it all. Now its all gone..." She says through the door.

"We can help..." I say, but i know there is nothing we could do.

"Wait... There is one more thing we could do" Amelia says, swinging the door open then running to the cabneit saying "Please don't be broken". She bends down and picks up a glass ball.

"YES!!!" She says, then looks at Angela and snarls "Your lucky you didn't break this" 

"What is it?" I ask changing the subject. 

"This gives you power, and takes it away"  She says.

"Awesome" I admire. Dallas walks up next to me and puts his hand around my waist.

"It could give you any power?"  Dallas asks.

"Yes, but their is a catch, for everything you give, it takes any memory of your love life at the moment......." Amelia says frowning.

"I don't know about this guys..." Angela says shaking her head.

"It will only get worse, your powers make the person bad, it practically takes them over." Amelia states. 

"Ok.... Will it hurt me?" Angela sighs.

"I don't know...." Amelia says. 

"HAVE YOU EVER DONE THIS???!!!" Angela defneds.

"Nope" Amelia shrugs. "The worst it could do is kill ya."

"AMELIA!! THE OBJECT IS TO KEEP HER ALIVE!!!" I say loudly. Angela agrees.

"Joking, joking, it couldn't kill you I promise" Amelia reasures.

"All i have to do is put my hand on it and say 'Take all my Powers away'?" Angela asks.

"Yes, but you won't remeber anything about Micheal" Amelia says.

"Ya.... Ok here we go" Angela stutters. Right before she puts her hand on the ball-

"ANGELA STOP!!!" I turn around confused.

"Micheal?" Angela asks.

"Yea, don't go through with this! It will take all our memories away" Micheal says. I was to stunned to say anything.

"I have too.... i can't hurt anyone anymore!" Angela says.

"But, you won't remeber anything about me." Micheal whines.

"Just make me fall in love with you again, like you did in the first time" Angela says, sadly. Micheal nods and sighs sadly.

 "Are you sure you want to do this Angela?" I asked. She nodded slowly. Angela sticks her hand out-

"WAIT!!" Micheal screams, she pulls her hand away quickly. We all look at Micheal he is quietly crying.

"What??" Angela asks. Micheal takes her in his hands and kisses her, he pulls away and says "I love you" Angela smiles and repeats what he said. Micheal lets go of her, she turns toward the ball, and sticks her hand out. She touches the ball. 

It went black.

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