Ch.6- Reunion

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Katsuki Bakugou x Reader


"Oh, but I will not endanger one more friend. You're free to do the things you want. But listen, so am I~"

"Ex! Plo! Sion! Ex! Plo! Sion! Ex! Plo! Sion!" You cheered as you and your less then happy partner walked through the thicket.

"Shut the fuck up already... you're giving me a damn headache!" Bakugou sucked his teeth and snarled at you.

You shrugged. "Awe you're just damn lucky you have such a cool quirk! Like a angry male Megumin!"



He stopped and turned to look at you, raising an eyebrow. "Speak Japanese damn it!"

You rolled your eyes and moved past him. This boy definitely lacked proper internet and anime culture it appeared. It had been exactly 2 hours since you and Bakugou had been dropped off at the Omega Zone and told a subtle 'good luck' before the gate behind you closed.

You could tell he was just trying to get through the day, and you didn't blame him. With end of term exams coming soon this little field trip was wasting precious time.

Not liking you taking the lead, he stormed forward his gauntlets hitting branches and plants as he walked. You sighed and followed him again, wondering if he even knew where he was going.

"So do we have a plan?" You asked, catching up to walk next to him.

"We fucking walk."

"Ummm Bakugou-kun..."


"The goal is to survive..."

"I know that fuck head."

"So what about food? Water? Shelter? Fire?"

"If I'm hungry I'll find something. If I'm thirsty I'll drink something. It's not supposed to fucking rain. And I don't need a fucking fire!"

Seeing that he was less than willing to listen to your ideas or your concerns, you stopped walking and sighed. You knew he was thick headed but this was a bit too much, even for you.

Seeing you suddenly stop, he did as well and looked at you menacingly. "The fuck is it now?!"

"Nothing..." You mumbled and moved towards him. "Let's just go."

He eyed you, not sure why you had now suddenly stopped telling him what was on your mind. Did he say something? No, he couldn't have, you were just being stupid.


"I'd say thanks for meeting with me, but I'm not exactly grateful..." Aleron tipped his bottle, enjoying the taste of his liquor.

"We've agreed to listen to your concerns, but disrespect will not be tolerated. No matter who it's from." Midnight lectured him.

"Huh? Lecturing me? Well then it's only fair to lecture you all right back as well then..."

"Is there some sort of problem you have with UA suddenly Aleron?" Aizawa mumbled, knowing his old classmate was always unpredictable.

"You're her mentor Shota. So give me your opinion on the matter at hand."

"You'll have to clarify the 'matter'."

"Don't play dumb with me... everyone here in this room is aware of it! They only ones who don't however are the ones who would need to know that most... class 1-A."

Entangle - Katsuki Bakugou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now