Ch.15- Heartworm

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Katsuki Bakugou x Reader

Ch.15- Heartworm

"The pain is when you shut me out. Take off on your own~"

"In other news the retirement of All Mi-"


"With the rescue of the kidnapped student fro-"


"So we are forced to ask ourselves... are quirks really worth the bloodsh-"


"I'm back from town. Anything interesting happen while I was out?" The front door opened, the messy maroon haired man stepping in, his cape trailing behind him as he carried in the groceries and supplies from the town away from the large home in the forest.

"Nope..." The girl answered back in a dull voice, her form having not left the same seat on the couch since he had left for the market 3 hours ago.

"Anything good on TV?" He asked, kicking the door shut and carrying the packages towards his niece in the living area.

She shook her head and cast her glance sideways. He watched as her blank and dead eyes stared at the hardwood. "No."

Her lie was obvious. He knew what had happened in the past week. A lot had happened back in Japan. He thought she would have been concerned... he thought she would have been scared.

"Alright then. How do burgers sound for dinner, shrimp?" He carried the supplies to the kitchen, passing by the sword resting in the corner. It had been collecting dust for some time now. He wondered how much longer it would remain here.

"Sure." Was her response, followed by the sounds of her moving. He glanced behind himself, hoping to see his last remaining family member getting up to help him or do something.

Instead she was laying down on the plush couch, her hands pulling at an old blanket from her childhood. He knew it still smelled of her perfume and his cologne, the scent never fully leaving it for the past 8 years. He knew that his niece was going back to sleep. Going back to a place of happier times.

"Napping again? Its four in the afternoon, y'know." He hollered from the kitchen, stacking away items and objects into their correct places.

"I had a rough night last night. Didn't sleep well."

"Hmm..." He walked back out, knowing full well of the nightmares she had been experiencing as of late. "I got you something in town."

The (eye color) girl sat up again, slowly as the doctor had told her. The new wounds on her chest were still healing and if she moved too fast, she risked reopening the wounds. Her uncle came by, his glance looking at the ignored and abandoned sword again, his inner emotions rattling him once again for what had occurred.

"I wasn't sure what your favorite genre was... so I picked out a few." He chuckled and placed a bundle of books into her hands. There had to be at least 6 books, each from a different literature theme: mystery, horror, fantasy, etc.

She frowned and sighed, placing the books down on the coffee table and getting up from her position on the couch. "T-thanks uncle Al... but I don't really feel like reading."

She moved away from her, and towards the staircase. The location of her bed and her only comfort area was upstairs. She would retreat there again and come down only to eat and make light conversation to allow her uncle to know she was still alive at least.

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