Ch.17- Taut

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Bakugou Katsuki x Reader

Ch.17- Taut

"Go where you need to. Know I won't leave you~"

Breathing heavily and feeling the blood trickle down from your mouth you struggled to stand again. Your knees trembled the bruises already setting in, and the scratches stinging from the dirt mixing in with the blood.

Your hand wiped at the blood from the lower corners of your mouth, the skin also rubbing against the bandage on your chin, the newest addition to your appearance still healing.

"That's enough." Aizawa spoke from behind Ectoplasm and Present Mic. "You've learned nothing this past week."

"I'm trying my best... it's not that easy sir." You coughed back, still struggling to stand from the training you had been taking on for the last hour.

Aizawa sighed and took Scintillant Glaive from your weak grasp, pressing the button to put the sword back in its dormant and compact form. "Then try harder. You're not always going to have someone to save you."

"I know sir." You mumbled, looking away a frown forming on your face.

"You'll have to get better if you want to walk amongst society again." He continued. "Speaking of which, tomorrow UA is hosting a Sport's Festival. First year, be there and watch."

You blinked. "Why?"

"Figure it out yourself."

"Hey kid wake up!" A gruff voice pulled you out of your slumber and you groan in annoyance.

"Huh? What?" You readjusted to the cargo bay you were in. Your travel bag was being used as a pillow, and your new motor bike as a something to lean against. You didn't know how long you had been asleep for, but something told you it had been a while.

"We've landed. Get your stuff and get out." The cargo plane pilot ordered, the other members of his crew starting to transport the items from the States to Japan off and toward their destinations.

"R-right. Thanks." You mumbled and quickly checked the time. 3 hours till the exam. 3 hours to get there and check in. You better hurry, the drive to Tokyo was at least 2 hours... you'd be making a close call it appeared.

But when did you not?

One Day Later~

"Have you vacuumed the main floor yet?" Izuku prompted Bakugou, the smaller male holding a bucket and mop, ready to start cleaning the kitchen.

"I'm about to." Bakugou answered back, walking to where the cleaning supplies were kept in their dorm building.

The two were currently on house suspension, due to a certain fight that occurred the previous night. The day so far had been rather calm considering the two who were spending so much time together.

The hum of a machine grew close as the two worked, thinking nothing of it. However, as it grew closer, it sounded as if it was their building the outside noise was coming towards. Just before Izuku was about to comment on it though, the sound stopped suddenly.

The green haired boy shrugged, thinking nothing of it. It was the first day of second term, so whatever was going on outside the dorm must have something to do with it. Seconds later however, the door to the main entrance was being pushed open, making both boys stop working and turn their attention to the movement.

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