Ch.7- Regret

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Katsuki Bakugou x Reader

Ch. 7

"I made my choice. And now I'm making mine~"

"Do I need to spell it out for you heroes-in-training? Because it seemed like my last statement went over most of your absent minded heads." The green eyed boy rolled his eyes. "I am a special operations unit for the Villain League! And lovely miss (Name) is my second in command."

"You're what!?" Bakugou shouted, his anger boiling over and being aimed at you. Whether this jackass was telling the truth or not, he didn't care. What Bakugou wanted to know and hear was it coming from you. He watched as your form stiffened and you attempted to control your small trembles.

He was good at reading body language and yours had already told him the answer. You bit your lip the words still unable to form. It was out... your secret was out. The possible new life and starting over was gone now. All because you had been too stupid to confess, too naive to ever consider this happening.

But, this was Kaiden... and he always came out on top.

Kaiden took notice of this and frowned. "Come now my love. Don't tell me you still have wavering feels? Do I need to remind you? We're villains!

We're at our best causing destruction, mistrust and despair! You for one at great at it! Look at all those shocked and terrified faces at the reveal! Now if only you could do that of your own will."

"Shut up..." You finally spoke.

"Huh? I guess my lovely lady needs a reminder of her wondrous sins! Where should I start?"

"I'm warning you..." You spoke again, the same bland tone as before.

"You'll have to be more menacing than that... honestly you have the power of a villain, but your morals are not hitting the target..."

"You left me... you threw me away like I was nothing..."

"I only did what I needed to do. It was get us both captured, or escape and come rescue you when the best possible situation arose."

"You had months. If that was true, you would have come when I was alone... not when myself and my classmates were without a pro-hero. You collected your top soldiers and decided to attack when we least expected it and were least ready for battle.

I was not the goal of this operation... I'm just an added bonus."

Kaiden clapped his hands, beckoning his forces to do the same. "Around of applause for my falling star! She's still brilliant!"

"Cut the crap Kaiden..." You growled coming forward, sword ready.

"Huh? You want to fight? The little princess believes she can take on the king?"

"I am no princess, nor are you my ruler!"

"Heh... let's make sure of that..."

"I have no intentions of going back to that life. Nor do I of coming back to you."

"Ha! Your mind must really be warped! Since when are you capable of denying me? Allow me to put you back in your place, my love!"

He lunged forward, and you raised your sword. The two blades connected together: his black katana and your white rapier. He smiled and winked at you as you both were stuck at an impasse.

"I'd control those emotions of yours... you would not want to injure any of the audience members would you?" He spoke softly to you.

You blinked and watched as Izuku and Tenya ran forward, probably in an attempt to assist you against the foe. Your eyes widened in fear as you watched Kaiden smirk before knocking you several feet away.

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