Ch.9- Us or Them?

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Katsuki Bakugou x Reader

Ch.9- Us or Them?

"You can run till your pain's through, One thing I won't do, Is to let you go alone to face the fight!"

Unlike past events of villain attacks, school was still to be held the next day. Though it was fairly obvious way; the events in the Omega Zone were not made public and everyone in class 1-A was told to keep quiet about the situation. About you.

Those with injuries were taken away first, and luckily no serious ones were reported. Ochaco & Jirou recovered from their stomach bugs when the boy called 'Epidemic' had retreated far enough away from them. Izuku, Iida & Bakugou had minor injuries from fighting, all of them caused by you. Everyone else was checked upon and deemed uninjured or having minor scrapes and bruises.

The students were evacuated when the pro-heroes had finally showed up, the flares from that night having been seen too late. The grounds were searched, but no people or traces of them were found.

Aizawa-sensei and you had disappeared before anyone could really react. And that night when the students of Class 1-A were held together for over night interviews of the incident and to look them over, you were missing from the group.

That was 3 days ago.

And you were still gone. The empty desk near the window seeming to hold a sad and ombient presence as to the person who had been occupying the seat prior.

No one brought your name up the first 2 days, and even when Aizawa-sensei took role those two days he skipped over your name. If your desk had not been there, it would have been as if you had never existed in Class 1-A in the first place.

But it was not as if they had forgotten about you... actually you had become the elephant in the room. But no one really knew how to bring it up, or at least until one afternoon...

"S-sensei..." Momo turned to the teacher, pausing in her actions of passing back the papers from the last general education's math exam.

"Yes?" He lazily spoke, looking over the lesson plan for the day.

"U-Um... what should I do with (Name)'s test?" Momo mumbled, feeling the burden of mentioning you in an environment where your name had suddenly become a taboo.

"I'll take it to her later today. For now, just hand it back to me." Aizawa held out his hand and Momo walked towards her homeroom teacher, giving him the desired object.

"(N-Name)-chan is still here?" Ochaco called out, finding her words acting before her rationality could.

Aizawa paused momentarily at her word choice and then sighed, casting a tired expression to his students. His sleep deprived eyes met the 20 pairs that all seemed to be screaming the same thing:

'We're worried'

Worried about you? Worried about their safety? Worried about trust? He could not tell, but he knew that one way or another he would have to say something here.

"She's in..." He paused trying to find the best way to phrase the next part of his words. "...recovery."

The word seemed darker than what it was supposed to mean. But to some, it was not good enough.

"That's fucking it? All we get is a single shitty sentence after everything that happened?" Bakugou spat and turned to glare out the window.

Aizawa sighed, but watched as several other students nodded in agreement. He turned to walk towards the door, knowing that how things were right now... it might be a better idea to have you transfer to class 1-B and have his own class keep their mouths shut on such a secret program.

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