Ch.8- A Story From the Past

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Katsuki Bakugou x Reader

Ch.8- A Story From The Past

"Go where you need to. Know I won't leave you, I'll follow you like morning follows night~"

How did I end up here?

That would be the most logical question one should ask themselves when they realize their life had fallen off the rails.

But... that's not the question I find myself constantly asking myself.

1 Year Before the Present~

"Go home freaks!"

"Quirk users are a plague on our society!"

"This country does not need any monsters in it!"

Their hateful cries echoed wherever you went. From Maine to Florida and Washington to California, the hatred of quirks was widespread in the United States.

"We only want to walk among you as equals! The rest of the world holds 80% of the population as quirk users! North America is the only region where we are a small minority!"

You voice called through the swarming crowd. They faces and raised fists ready to beat you into submission, again.

"Then leave!"

"This is our home!"

"No quirks allowed! All you do is cause destruction!"

A sudden burst of energy sent the crowd flying and you blinked to the hand reached out to pull you away from the situation. The boy looked calm, but you knew the rage he felt underneath his clear green eyes.

"Let's go my love. These people are lost causes." Kaiden spoke smoothly.

You happily accepted his hand and he replaced his sniper rifle katana back into it's holster. You sighed, another failed rally, another failed attempt to reach the hearts and beliefs of the public.

Activating your quirk, you felt Kaiden pick you up bridal style and move you speedly through the crowd to a more secluded area. Once there he placed you back down and sighed.

"You hurt me when you do this." He breathed, not making eye contact with you.

"I'm sorry... I just thought-"

"Thought what? That your words could reach those lost lambs? We're the wolves of this world (Name)! When are you going to realize that?"

"I'm sorry... I just-"

"No! You need to realize your shortcomings and stop wasting your potential!"

"I know..."

"That's why you have me at least... I'll always point them out and let you know. And like I told you when we met... we'll change this world together."

"I know we will." You smiled and gasped as the male suddenly grabbed you.

He engulfed you into a suffocating hug. You blinked in panic, not liking the forceful hug, but allowed him to do so. You were not used to affection, but were trying to get used to it at his request.

"We're leaving this country for a while." He suddenly spoke.

You glanced up at him. "What?"

"Someone in Japan has been contacting me. Apparently they want to see what the Inhuman Rebels Organization has to offer. I expect you to be by my side for it."

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