Ch.22- Rebound

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Bakugou Katsuki x Reader

Ch.22- Rebound

"But it seems that it's all just out of my sight. Just out of my reach, can't seem to get right~"

The beating of the music could be heard from the small parking lot outside of the building. Its windows were blacked out, but every couple seconds a flash of light or colors would be seen, indicating some sort of party or gathering was occurring inside.

You peeked around the corner, your five friends behind you waiting for your signal that it was safe to move forward. Bakugou held one of your hands in his grasp, feeling it tremble and shake.

Were you scared?

No. The rest of you was fine. As a matter of fact, it's been doing this weird shaking thing a lot lately... He internally sighed. Another thing to add to the ever growing list of 'Things I Need To Sit Down and Have A Talk With My Girlfriend About.'

Your hand was gently touched by your free one, the shaking dying down as a result. You broke out of Bakugou's grasp a second later, both hands rising into the air. They fell onto the edges of your hood, pulling the fabric up and over your head, successfully covering a good amount of your face.

"Let's go!" You whispered loudly, strolling out at a lazy pace. Your posture hung low, your hand reaching backwards and tugging Bakugou's arm around your shoulders.

"Act natural everyone." You spoke again pointing for Kirishima to do the same to Mina. "Or things might get bad and fast."

Kirishima gulped and did as told, wrapping his arm around the pink haired girl similarly to how you had put Bakugou's arm around yourself. Kaminari and Sero piled in behind the two sudden couples, their hands in their pockets and their eyes lidded in disinterest.

"It's just a dance club right?" Kaminari asked quietly.

"No. The dance club is a cover." You spoke glancing at two armed guards in the front. Each held an automatic and were curiously watching the group of awfully young patrons walking forward. "It's the only Yakuza group left over after the Precepts of Death were taken down..."

"We're going to a fucking Yakuza club?" Bakugou seethed gripping your arm tightly in protest.

"Play is cool Sparky! The boss knows me and he owes me." Your voice darkened at the last part, the idea behind the words striking a sensation of utter disbelief and slight terror. It was so easy at times to forget what sort of activities you used to participate in: theft, terrorism, assault, and possibly more that you had yet to mention or wanted to.

Suddenly one guard pointed a finger at you and dropped his gun. The one next to him glanced over at his partner wondering what in the hell was going on with him. His trembling partner pointing a finger at the girl in a snow white cape made him realize why he should be as terrified as well.

"The queen of hell!" The one trembling shouted.

"Get inside! Warn the boss!" The other shouted, sprinting back into the building his partner following not too far behind.

"Oh no they don't! I'm not getting locked out again!" You cried, tossing the hood off and charging in after the men who had already run with tails between their legs.

Your five classmates took a minute to let the scene sink in a bit more. Two fully grown Yakuza members were scared of (Name). And you had chased them, all the while saying you had been locked out by these people.... Before...

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