Ch.27- Welcome to Wonderland

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Bakugou Katsuki x Reader

Ch.27- Welcome to Wonderland

"So until that time, I'll follow everyday. Every step of the way, and continue to say~"

"Why do thing seem to go wrong at the worst possible times for us this year." Aizawa sighed, glancing through the classroom door's window at his remaining students. It had been one hour since (Name)'s kidnapping, one long hour of figuring out what happened and what would happen next.

He sighed, trying to find a rational thing to tell his students. It was never easy to explain that majority of the time a kidnapped victim never comes back alive, or comes back at all. And with the way the IRO moved... tracing them was nearly impossible.

In truth UA had been attempting to track them down for months now since your initial capture. However, unlike the League of Villains... the IRO was not active enough to get a beat on. Thus... they had been put on the side, only for it to spill over.

"It's not like these children have never faced against bad odds before..." All Might began, glancing at a few students in particular. "...however, the idea of loss always plagues the mind easily in times of distress."

"We might as well get this over with..." Aizawa sighed, opening the classroom door.

His students and the small child inside all glanced up at the entering teachers. The two stopped in front of the podium and glanced around, then Aizawa finally spoke.

"We'll do our best to follow any leads... but it's best to stay rational here. And from what Augustus-san has told us... we might not be able to find anything we need in time for a timely rescue.

With Augustus unable to know directions or basic kanji... we don't know a location. With that being said, it might be best to accept what is most likely to happen..."

Silence echoed in the room, no one daring to speak or say anything. Then someone sniffled, and the attention was turned to him. Carlin shook his head, eyes watery and face scrunched together.

"T-that's the best you can offer? Y-you're supposed to be heroes! And all you can tell us is that we shouldn't hold onto the thought of (Name) coming back alive!"

He stomped forward, making fierce eye contact with the older man. "That's not good enough! Do your job and save her! Bring her back!"

He continued his cries, each repeat of it mixing in further with cries and sorrow. Finally his voice and words were drowned out by the pain and realization of it all. He was never going to see you again, was he?

"I just... I just wanted to be with her again. And look what happened... I'm useless."

"Carlin-kun." Ochaco came forward, taking the small boy into her form. He held onto her like she was his last tie to this world. And more then likely Ochaco was, especially if Carlin was about to lose the only remaining person he considered family.

"Are you serious Sensei? You just want us to accept that (Name) is gone for good? She's survived worse! She's lived through worse!" Kirishima hollered, hand slamming on his desk. "We're not giving up on her! Right Bakugou?"

The redhead turned his gaze to his silent blond friend, hoping to hear his hopeful retort or agreement. But Kirishima was greeted by silence, and the view of the back of Bakugou's head.

He had been quiet and absent from it all since he missed grabbing you it appeared. His gaze stared out on the horizon, seemingly to wait for you to suddenly waltz in and apologize for worrying everyone.

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