Ch.16- Home

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Katsuki Bakugou x Reader

Ch.16- Home

"No matter what you'll never walk alone~"

You were awoken from your slumber by the sounds of laughter coming down from the lower floor. You rubbed the sleepiness from your eyes and got up. The night had been restless, but you decided you might as well get up and see who exactly was downstairs with your uncle.

You changed into a simple t-shirt and jeans, ignoring the cape hanging on the hat rack, and walked downstairs. The voices were coming from the kitchen and you soon were able to recognize the laughter as belonging to Eraserhead and All Might.

"And then I told Jet that the girls all thought his costume looked like he was some emo!" Your uncle laughed, remarking some story about his older brother. "A-and he said that he wanted to look as dead as he felt on the outside!"

"Ha ha ha!" All Might laughed. "And it was then as that moment that Diana walked in and he suddenly went wide eyed and stared at her. The next thing I knew he suddenly said "I guess there's one good thing about living."

"The moment those two saw each other, it was certain they'd get married and have a kid... meanwhile we three are married to our work." Aizawa mumbled, taking a long sip of his coffee.

"Hey don't group me in with you two!" Aleron laughed.

"Oh that's right, even if you didn't work no man or woman would want such a rogue like yourself." Aizawa sassed your uncle.

You giggled, making all three men suddenly jump from the new noise. All Might and Aizawa turned, their faces softening as you stood at the doorway.

"Young Miss (Name), please come in!" All Might declared. You took him in as this was the first time you had seen him in his smaller form. Unlike his muscled former form, he looked very cute like this.

"Yes, do come in. We have something we wish to discuss with you and your lazy uncle." Aizawa sighed, Aleron chuckling at this.

"I've known you since we were 15, Shota, and yet you still act as if I'm a plague on you." Aleron patted the tired man's back.

You hopped up on the countertop, watching the three former UA students interact with each other and talk. The two UA teachers sat down once again and watched your uncle as he came to stand at the countertop next to where you were sitting.

"So what are you both doing here? This is a pretty far trip." You spoke, knowing that it must be very important for them to come all the way to Hawaii to talk to you and your uncle.

"I'm sure you've heard about the recent events." Aizawa began. "And due to them, UA has instated a dorm program for all students. Myself and All Might have been going around to all the Class 1-A students and asking for their guardian's permission to move you in. We would have come to visit your home earlier... but the timing was not in our favor. But we're here now to talk to you both."

"UA believes that the dorming move is our best option in being able to protect our students as well as increasing cooperation and bonds between them." All Might added on.

"And as I was telling them, I won't be allowing for you to return after the disaster they have put you through. They're lucky I was calm enough this morning to let them in when I answered the door... I still have half a mind to punch you both in the gut for the trauma my niece has gone through thanks to your less then excellent lessons..." Aleron narrowed his eyes.

"She has a formal agreement with us."

"She was a minor when she sighed it Shota! I don't know how different Japan is now compared to when I lived there, but here in the States... You're not allowed to force a minor into a legal agreement without a parent's permission!"

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