Ch.18- I Like You... A Lot

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Bakugou Katsuki x Reader

Ch.18- I Like You... A Lot

"I'll follow you like morning follows night. You can run till your pain's through~"

(AN- Otherwise known as its working title: 'I Waited 18 Chapters for this, so it better be good...')

"Bakugou... There's something I need to tell you."

He glanced at you, his eyes widening in curiosity. What was so important that you suddenly brought this up and forced him back to the main floor to hear it. The way your body stood firm and how your eyes locked his in such a hypnotising way however, made him stay.

You had this trance over him. As if you were a succubus and he your victim. But he knew the truth, he knew that for whatever reason, he enjoyed the heart wrenching beats he felt at every blink of your eyes or the way your lips curved to give him and only him one of those bright smiles.

God he had it bad for you. But he knew you, and he knew that sometimes the way you talked or acted might not be what he was expecting or wanting in the first place. He had to keep a cage around his heart when it came to her, one that he so desperately wanted to destroy.

Not because he didn't want to take the chance, but more so that some small part inside of him was pulling the right chords and making him fear rejection. Make him fear a failed grade in love.

He promised himself though, when the time came where he or you genuinely confessed or tried anything, he would do all in his power to let you know of his feelings. The matter of when that time would be though, that was the terrible and mind crushing feeling... one he was so sick of feeling.

And now with her back, the love he felt was magnified, therefore making this terrible feeling increase. He just wanted to yell these emotions at you, but he didn't know how. Nor did he think he ever would. He was a man of actions, not one of words.

But he had fallen in love with someone who was less than thrilled or comfortable to be physically involved with others. He could tell those hugs from earlier took a lot out of you. You had come a long way, and he didn't want to stunt it.

What he wanted was too much for you, therefore he fought the urge to show you his feeling through his actions. And instead opted for just living with this fate, and hoping that one day something would happen.

"Well? Out with it." He clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes, his outer demeanor trying to trick her and himself that he was not interested in this, but instead annoyed of it.

"W-well-" You rubbed your thumbs over your hands and tried to calm your breathing. 'Don't get over emotional this time... last time didn't work out in your favor and you're lucky to have this time rise when it did. Tell him now, before something else goes wrong.'

You finished scolding yourself and reached forward, grabbing Bakugou's hand. He was stiff from the contact not expecting this and you squeezing his hand caught him even further off guard.

"Katsuki... listen." You spoke again and his ears alerted him to the change in your speech.

There it was again, 'Katsuki', his name rolling off your tongue. His chest tightening and the terrible but oh so wonderful warmness of his heart spreading through the rest of his body.

Why did he enjoy hearing his first name spoken in her voice? Why did he enjoy her smaller hand holding his so dependably? Why did he enjoy her so much?

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