Prologue: Legend of the Four Princes

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Legend has it that long, long ago, Fate, an old woman from the Heavens, wanted to save the lonely but powerful souls wandering around the cold and empty universe. She wanted to give them a home, friendship and a useful, meaningful life. 

It was also said that the souls once were guardians of humans. They took all kinds of forms; dragons, gods, creatures... Not many could see these guardians, only a few had the ability to acknowledge their presence.

Unfortunately, most of the people who could see the souls were horrified of them. 'Demons from hell, ' they called them.

Soon, a rumour about these 'demons' had been spread. Humankind feared them. The souls had been the new reason why humans locked all of their windows and doors at night. The souls had become the topic of their nightmares and the monsters under their beds.


They were said to be the most powerful young men in the kingdom, the chosen ones to sit in the four golden thrones in the palace. The princes were born in the same year, month, and date.

Prince Zen.

Prince Alexander.

Prince Luk.

Prince Syu.

They, with riches and power, were supposed to claim the title as 'The Four Emperors'. People respected and looked up to them. Well, that's before when their secret was revealed.

The princes, like some, had the power to see the souls clearly. However, unlike the others, they were not a tiniest bit of afraid when they saw the souls. In fact, they treated the souls as their best friends. Bonds were created between the four princes and four chosen souls- Zeus, the God of gods, Xcalibur, the sword of the King, Longinus, the soldier of ice, and Spriggan, guardian of the woods. Their bonds were so strong, it was like their spirits had been fused together, but their friendship and happiness didn't last long...

The night before the princes' coronation, just when an old maid was just about to enter the Prince Alexander's room, she was surprised to see all four of them inside. She was more shocked to find that the princes were talking to... air?

The maid immediately knew what was happening. The thoughts of the 'demon' rumours she had always heard about sent shivers down her spine. The maid slowly turned around, then proceeded to run away from the palace in terror. 

When the maid stopped to take a break from all the running, she found herself in the crowdy and loud village. When the villagers saw her panting, they asked her what was wrong with a concerned look on their faces.

"T-the d-demons!" The maid cried. "I saw the princes... All of them! T-they were... T-they were talking to the demons!"

Fear and horror spread through the villagers' faces. But how could they not feel afraid? Their soon-to-be kings, whom they trust and respect so much, were actually selling their souls to the devil? Then, a maiden cried, "D-demons! I swear... I swear the princes are all demons as well! All of them!" Murmurs and gasps were heard all around. Some of the old women even fainted in pure shock.

"What shall we do?" A young man whispered.

"I-I don't know..." His wife whispered back while carrying their baby son. 

"We shall kill them! We shall burn the princes alive! We cannot afford our kingdom to be ruled by demons, can we?" An angry villager yelled.

More whispers were heard.

"Raise your hands if you agree with me!" He yelled again. "Raise your hands if you want to defend this kingdom!"

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