S2Ch11. Ragnarok

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All of a sudden, the doors banged open. Kensuke and the bladers from the past all stood straight immediately as their future selves walked into the palace.

Their faces were wet, Shu noticed. From either rain or tears. Probably both. They looked beat and tired, eyes dropping low. Their cloaks and armour had burn marks and sword slashes. Their faces were stained with drying tears, blood, and sweat.

On the back, Xhaka and Valt were pulling an unconscious Heracles by chains. Heracles' hair was white with frost and red from blood.

Rantaro took a peek at Heracles' uncovered face and stared at Kensuke. "Holy hell, you're not joking."

Kensuke didn't answer but stared at the other bladers' future selves in shock and awe.

The future bladers caught sight of Kensuke.

"Kensuke... Are you alright?" Valt questioned in concern.

"O-Oh. Yeah. I'm fine," Kensuke stuttered, then glanced at Heracles' body. "He..."

Valt sighed. "In a nearing future, Heracles possessed your body. This is not your fault, but Heracles'-"

Kensuke nodded quickly, lips trembling. "Yes- Yes, I know that but- What have I done?"

Rantaro frowned. "Never refer him as you. What he did was never your intentions."

Kensuke nodded again. "Okay then. Then what has he done? How many people has he hurt in my body?" His voice trailed off. "How many people has he killed?"

Shu pressed his lips into a thin line in grief. "We don't know if he killed people in Midgard or in the past, but in Asgard... he killed one."

Kensuke gapped. "Did he- Was it an innocent man?"

Lui's expression shifted to an unreadable one. "I would say he was an innocent man," he said ominously.

"Then who-" Wakiya started.

The future bladers slowly stepped aside for Akira to walk forward. The pink haired man looked terrible. His eyes were bloodshot and he looked like he had been crying for hours. Strands of hair were sticking out of his curled hair messily, slick with sweat and dirt. He was holding Zac's body in his hands, knuckles turning white as he gripped onto the man's corpse. Zac's garments of gold and silk were drenched in blood while his face stayed white.

Zac's hand flew to his mouth in horror at the sight of his future self's bloody corpse. "Oh. Heracles killed- Heracles killed-"

Lui exhaled. "Yes. He killed your future self. With a stab in the liver, quick and clean," he spat.

Zac looked nauseated. "In battle or-"

"No," Lui said. "Heracles was a coward. He killed Zac unexpectedly when Zac was talking to him, unready and indefensible."

Valt's hands curled into fists, shaking in anger. "We must avenge him! We must take revenge for future Zac, even if we risk our lives-"

Valt stopped his younger self. "No, you will not risk your lives," he said strongly. "Zac's last wish before he died was for you to live your lives to the fullest... unlike how we turned out now. I will absolutely not let you be so naive and die pathetically. Besides, we were you. Let us be selfish for this time and want to have a better future rather than this."

Valt nodded, "Y-Yeah."

Valt patted his younger self's head and smiled warmly. "Good."

Lui looked at the bladers from the past. "We must start to change this future completely in order to avoid it. If we want this future to never happen to you, you need to prevent this future before it even starts," he said. "All of this happened just because Heracles messed with time and went to the past to slay Kerbeus and possess Kensuke... We must not let Heracles possess Kensuke in the first place this time around. Without that happening, Heracles would just stay a rogue spirit floating around the universe."

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