Ch20. After the Smoke Clears

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"Honcho!!!" Valt broke the heavy silence with a scream as Rantaro passed out in his arms, blood pouring out from his stomach.

Xhaka and Lui's gaze snapped from Shu to the Ragnarok blader. Shu also stood up wobbly. Rantaro was out cold and the blood forming below him tainted the floor red. The others quickly ran towards Rantaro, including Naoki.

"No good..." Naoki said shakily, fear showing on his face. This amount of blood... If the wound is not treated and the blood is not ceased in five minutes, he might die!"

Valt gasped loudly. "Naoki, is there something you can do? Please! Don't let Honcho die!" He said. Valt held the bleeding Rantaro tightly in his hands. The blue haired boy's face paled. "Naoki, his skin is cold!"

"Somone call the ambulance!" Naoki demanded. "Jin!"

Jin pressed some numbers on his phone and groaned. "We are in Muspelheim."

Naoki's eyes widened, remembering. "Oh no... Does anyone here have bandages or something?! If we don't stop the bleeding immediately..."


Every head turned to the person who spoke. Orochi glanced at Zac and continued, "When my arm was injured, Zac healed me. I think Zac might be able to heal Rantaro too. Zac, can you?"

Zac looked at Rantaro's wound nervously. "I don't know, but I will try!" Clutching Zillion Zeus in his hand tightly, he crouched beside Rantaro.

"Zac, please do your best!" Valt pleaded, giving Zac an anxious but bright smile. Hope twinkled in his large brown eyes.

The green eyed blader nodded, after putting his Bey in his pocket, he reached of both of his hands. "Zeus..." Zac breathed out softly as he slowly shut his eyes.

A soft golden aura surrounded both Zac and Rantaro. A breeze was present as the Superstar healed the injured boy. Zac squeezed his eyes harder and his aura glowed brighter. After a few minutes, the glow died out. Zac fell back as he wheezed, breathing quickly.

"Ha..." he wiped some sweat off his face. "That was hard." Zac glanced at Rantaro.

Rantaro's wound was miraculously healed, and all the blood was gone as if vanished into thin air. A smile slowly made its way to Valt's lips. Valt touched Rantaro's shoulders and arm.

"Zac... He's warm again!" Valt beamed. "Thank you, Zac!! But... why isn't he waking up?"

Naoki bent down to check. "Hmm... This is what usually happens. Even after a healing, he should not wake up too quickly. I mean, he did got a nasty injury and he has lost quite a lot of blood. But nice job, Zac. You saved his life."

"Thank," Zac grinned. "This is what bladers do for each other, right?"

There was a chorus of agreements and laughs before Lui cleared his throat rather loudly. Lui scanned the area, and winced as he saw the cracks on the ground and walls and markings of ice, fire and explosions. His expression darkened as he caught a glimpse of the pile of ash that had once been Violet, or Echidna, on the floor. Lui cleared hid throat again.

"All right. I think... I think we should go back now. To Earth, and the WBBA building, I mean," Lui said. "This place is sickening."

Some of the others nodded. Xhaka picked Rantaro up from the floor. "I'll carry him back— Wow, he's heavier than he seems!"

Lui simply nodded. "Okay, so to get back..." he looked at Yugo and Ukyo. "You two mind summoning your Bey Souls again?"

"Not at all," Yugo replied. Ukyo nodded.

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