Ch15. As Cold As Ice

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The blonde haired woman laughed as she stepped forward. "Thank you, thank you Prince Alexander," she laughed dementedly. "For giving my sister a more painful death."

The boys then stared at the rotting body of Scarlet in disgust and horror.

"D-Do you even have a goddamn heart?!" Xhaka exclaimed. "No matter how much I hate her, she's still your sister! I have never seen anyone as heartless as you!"

Violet smiled. "I am the Goddess of Treachery. I don't stay loyal, it's my job to betray."

"Still, you don't have to kill!!" Retorted Xhaka.

"Well, I do," she giggled. "Granting death is another way of treachery. What, are you starting to feel sorry for my sister, my dead sister, now?"

"Like hell we are."

Everyone's, including Violet's, eyes turned to the person who had spoken.

Lui glared hard at the smiling demon and gritted his teeth. His fists were clenched and his eyes were dark with the mixture of anger and disgust.

"Oh my, I like you," Violet said. "So passionate, so angry. I can feel your and your spirit's power radiating off you, Prince Luk... We can be soooo strong together-"

"Want to know a secret?"

Violet raised an eyebrow but smiled. "Very well."

"I don't care."

For a few seconds, Violet stood there, looking at Lui with wide eyes. No one, just no one, had ever tried to sass her like that. She almost looked impressed.

"Ah, what youth. What potential. You could be a god, a god of pride!" She said, half mocking, half praising.

Lui threw Violet a dirty look. "Want to know another secret?"

Violet frowned. She knew he was testing her patience, but she decided to play along. "If it matters to me."

"You know what?" Lui said. "You make me sick. In my whole life, I mever met anyone as demented as you. Weak bladers? Yes. A lot of them. Naive little boys? I met some. But something like you? No. You killed your sister. I hate her too, but is THIS necessary? Huh?!"

His voice got louder and louder. Lui never felt so angry, so sickened before. He was always pissed off, but never like this. He felt like he wanted to puke.

The woman in front of him looked amused and interested. She ignored his question, and said, "Prince Luk, you don't have to worry about these~ You desired to be the strongest, and if you give your powers to me, you can achieve the tital as the number one in the world! Give me your powers, then you will have anything you want. Strength, honour, riches... Now, if you just give me the spirit of Longinus..."

Lui cut her off with a growl. "If you plan getting me to give in, you're doing to wrong. Your technique is bullshit. No matter how you blabber, you will never have Longinus! He is my-" he took a deep breath and remembered what Valt said about Valkyrie. No matter how Lui hated to admit it, he admired Valt's bond with his Bey. So why couldn't he form a bond with Longinus?

"Longinus is my partner, and you're not taking him!" He snarled.

By that, Lost Longinus in his pocket began to glow. It had a icy blue and white light. Lui nearly jumped as his Bey flashed and twickled at him. He looked even more freaked out as a voice echoed beside his ear.

As if to tease him, the voice chuckled, "Finally admitting that I'm your partner, huh?"

"L-Longinus?" Lui managed to bite out.

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