S2Ch2. Unfamiliar Familiar Faces

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The pink haired girl, Nymph, happily skipped her way into the bar while humming a high-pitched song.

We love each other~ we love each other!~ you and meeeee~~~ I'm so happy today~

Triton blocked his ears.

"Will you stop?" He groaned. "Your singing is disgusting."

Instead of arguing back, Nymph stuck her tongue out. "Never!" She giggled.

Scythe, who was sitting on the bar table, raised an eyebrow. "You are unusually hyper today."

"Tch, isn't she always this hyper?" Triton muttered.

Ignoring Triton, Nymph said, "Nothing, I'm just happy! Lord Heracles will be pleased with me!"

"Ha! Seriously?" Triton mocked.

"Of course— Ah! Lord Heracles!" Nymph ran towards the cloaked man and bowed. The other two did as well.

Triton looked at Lord Heracles' side. "Wait... Isn't that Azuki Ben from now, my lord?"

Lord Heracles placed the still unconscious Kensuke on a table and yanked the chained boy forward, a sadistic grin growing on his face. "Yes, indeed. Ben will be joining us today."

Ben's head snapped towards Lord Heracles, not caring that his neck was chained. Ignoring the pain, he growled, eyes flashing dangerously, "I will never join you."

"We'll see about that," Lord Heracles chuckled.

"Oh and my lord," Nymph started.


"I have some good news!" She exclaimed.

"Do continue," Lord Heracles said. Triton and Scythe looked very curious.

"Just half an hour a ago, I have seen Kurenai Shu and Shirasagijo Lui!" Nymph said. Ben's eyes snapped wide. She continued, "It had been ages since I last saw their adorable, teenager selves!"

But Lord Heracles didn't look as joyful. In fact, he seemed to be seething in hate and anger as his expression darkened.

"Where are they now?" Lord Heracles asked, his voice soft but icy.

"I think they are still at the restaurant..." Nymph said. Suddenly, her eyes twinkled. "My lord, do you want me to kill them for you?"

Lord Heracles' expression darkened even more. Eyes glowing, he demanded, "Not yet. Nymph, Triton and Scythe, toy and mess with them for a little. Let them know that we're here for their lives."

All of the three bowed once more. "Yes, Lord Heracles," they promised in union. With a flash of light, they disappeared. Only the smiling Lord Heracles, the unconscious Kensuke and Ben were left in the bar.

"You," Ben hissed. "Where are you from? What are your intentions? And more importantly, who are you?"

Lord Heracles laughed. "I won't tell you the answers to the first two questions. However, I will let you know who I am."

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