Ch3. Four (Pt 2)

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Everything was the same as usual, except for Shu's headache. It was starting to get better, so that's good, but he still heard an annoying buzz. Was it his head?

Wait, or was it the sound of a... Helicopter?

The sound of the helicopter became louder and louder, until the sound stopped with a loud 'THUD'. Shu and the other members turned around. There indeed was a helicopter behind them.

Then, the door of the helicopter slid open and someone came out.

"Zac?" Shu said in disbelief. The person didn't look like Zac the Sunshine at all. The person coming out from the helicopter was not wearing flashy, expensive clothes and a ridiculous mask. Instead, he wore some black jeans and a black hoodie with a hood low enough to almost cover his eyes. But judging by the long yellow and red hair and the green eyes, Shu was sure that the person was the superstar.

"ZAC!" Valt greeted loudly with sparks in his eyes.

Zac immediately shushed him as he looked around, fearing someone might hear Valt.

It was like... Zac didn't want to be seen.

"Shhh! Don't be so loud, Little-spark!" He hissed. "I don't want my fans to notice me!"

The Bey-club members looked at each other with confusion on their faces. Okay... That didn't sound like Zac at all.

"So Zac," Shu said quietly, breaking the silence. "What brings you here?"

Zac looked around again, checking if his fans were here, then answered, "I need to talk to you. We need to talk to you."

Shu arched an eyebrow. "'We'?" He repeated.

Zac nodded. "Yes. We. Xhaka, Lui, and me. All of us need to discuss... er... Something important," he said, biting his lower lip.

Shu looked more confused. Xhaka? Zac? And even Lui? Discuss something important? Then that 'something' must be very important.

Shu nodded slowly and checked the time on his phone.

'2:45,' the time said.

'Okay,' Shu thought. 'School's over now. I still have plenty of time left, so I guess practice could wait.'

Shu smiled softly at Zac. "Well then, Zac. Where is the meeting?" He asked.

Zac grinned back like he accomplished something big. "My mansion," he replied.


Zac's mansion was pretty far away from Shu's school, so Zac offered Shu a ride on his helicopter. Shu hesitated at first, but eventually agreed.

As the helicopter landed on Zac's backyard, the two Spin Emperors jumped down from the vehicle and walked down the dirt path towards Zac's huge mansion. Shu gaped at the mansion in awe. True, the mansion wasn't as big as Wakiya's, but hey, it was still as grand and beautiful as a castle. There were red-rose bushes all around (oh, so that's where Zac got his roses) and even sculptures. There were even carvings of Suns on the walls of the mansion. Everything already looked grand enough, and Shu didn't even need to go inside the mansion to be impressed.

Well, that's a super idol for you.

Zac slowly pushed open the huge doors of his mansion and the two proceeded to walk inside. Shu looked around, not knowing what to say. Wakiya's mansion was bigger than this of course, but Zac's was also amazing. Everything looked magnificent. Everything was magnificent. The chandeliers, the painted walls, the grand stairway... It almost looked like a castle.

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