Ch12. The Grim Reaper, The Winged Dragon and The Soothsayer

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"Where am I..."

Shu's eyes batted open slowly. He glanced at his surroundings. All he could see was dark stone walls surrounding him and the small, tight space he was in. Shu heard a dripping noise and looked at the source of the sound; water was dripping from the ceiling. Bugs and insects crawled on the cold and wet ground underneath him, and Shu shuddered in disgust. He tried to stand up, but realized he couldn't; his hands, feet and neck were all chained.

The rusty chains were thick and heavy, much heavier than they looked. The chains hung around Shu's body, hurting his shoulders and legs. But those were not ordinary chains, Shu decided. Whenever the blader moved, the chains flashed green and purple. And every time the chains glowed, Shu felt like being suffocated as a searing pain ran through his body. The chains were cursed to do this. Shu then felt something, or rather someone, move beside him.

Lui stirred and winced in his sleep while struggling. He was also chained, and his chains kept on glowing. It was most likely to be because of Lui's constant movements. Shu felt someone else move on his other side. Zac and Valt's bodies were slumped onto the wall behind them and also chained. The chains around them also flashed and glowed, and they winced in pain. And in front of and beside Shu, more people were waking up. They were all in pain.

"Oi! Everyone, stop moving!" Shu said as his chain glowed faintly.

After a few seconds, Lui's eyes snapped open. Before Shu was able to warn his about the chains, Lui started to wiggle around and tried to stand up, but failed miserably as the heavy chains glowed and stopped him. "OW!" He shouted and glared at the chains. Lui tried to move again, but stopped as the chains worked their magic. "OW!! WHAT THE F—"

"Stop moving, Lui!" Shu hissed. "These chains are... are c-cursed!" Lui ignored him and started to kick and stomp, and the chains made sure to make him feel even more painful. Lui screamed in both pain and frustration.

It was not long before everyone woke up from Lui's shouts and screams. Their behaviours after waking up was almost the same as Lui's (they just didn't scream too much). 

When Xhaka gave up struggling, his eyes flashed in realisation. "Violet... She must have took us here! I remember that I fainted..." He let out an angry growl and punched the floor, and his chains glowed. Xhaka growled in pain.

"Wait..." Valt spoke up in panic. "Then what about Rantaro, Daina and Wakiya?"

"Is this what you seriously think about when we are all chained?" Lui muttered while glaring at the boy.

Valt nodded hardly. Shu wasn't sure how he kept his head from not falling. "They are my friends! I want to see them safe! I don't care if I'm chained, I just want to see my friends!" He shouted. "Please... I want... I just want to see them! If anything bad happened to them, I..." Valt stared at the floor tearfully.

"You want to see them, huh?"

The boys froze at the voice and the giggles. A shadowy figure appeared before them. They knew exactly who had said those words.

"Violet!" "That woman!" The bladers shouted.

"Exactly," she said, coming out from the shadows. The boys' eyes widened as Violet stepped towards Valt and held his chin with a silver sceptre in her hand. "You want to see them? Are you even worth it?"

"Don't you dare lay a finger on him!" Shu shouted in rage, but the chains hurt him again.

"I didn't. I laid my sceptre on him," she laughed. She then met eyes with Zac and shivered slightly. Memories of the humiliating night of Zac beating her came to her mind.

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