S2 Prologue: Tomorrow is Ahead

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The place was beautiful.

Flowers of all colours bloomed like springtime would never end. The cloudless sky was a clear shade of blue, as well as the crystal lake reflecting it. The Sun was a brilliant yellow, light more golden than fire opals. The weather was warm, not too hot, not too cold- it was balanced. In the middle of the kingdom, there was, of course, a palace. Not too grand, but enough to describe the castles in fairytales.

A garden of serenity.

Different sounds rang through the realm. The chirps birds made was song, a piece titled Paradise. Laughter and chatters and voices of young children and teenagers blended into the birds' music. The blowing of wind, the sound of rivers and streams, the pitter-patter dripping of mountain water...

The echoing noise of swift, anxious footsteps.

The man quickened his pace until he was practically running. He stopped as he reached a huge pair of wooden doors and panted for a bit. He wiped his sweat off his face. The man's eyes were slightly narrowed before he knocked. He didn't hesitate to open the doors.

Inside the sunlit room, there was a very long table. Fifteen men were sitting in cushioned chairs. Three other chairs are empty. They looked like they were discussing something.

One of the fifteen, a rather tall man, raised his eyebrow curiously at the person who interrupted their meeting. "Oh? You don't usually come here! What is the matter?"

The person beside him, a shorter one, asked, "Only you? Where is..."

"Only me," the man replied. "At least one of us have to guard. Especially now."

A frown. "Huh?" Another person said. "What happened?"


Gasps were heard. "What? No way!" The tallest one exclaimed. "What have they done?"

"The traitors have stolen something important. And because of them, four innocents were hurt. What is stolen is not yet found out, but the alarms went off. It just happened, so we don't know who the traitors are-"

A person stood up. "Where are they?"

The man tapped his chin to think. "They escaped to somewhere farther than time, perhaps?"


By the time Shu and Lui returned to the training room, everything was in chaos.

Valt was... er, hitting and shaking Rantaro? He was also wailing and shouting? Zac was sparkling and glowing like a disco ball as he activated his aura in repeat when he gave up on doing his healing magic but was dragged back to 'heal' Rantaro by Valt. Xhaka was shouting on the top of his lungs to tell everyone to calm down, which failed anyway. Oh, and he also broken one of the facilities in the room. Thank god the facility was a small, cheap one.

"Uh... What's going on everyone?!" Shu tried. The chaos continued.

Lui 'tched' and looked at Shu. "Watch and learn, buddy," he said and took in a deep breath. "SHUT YOUR TRAPS YOU BUNCH OF STUPID HUMANS BEFORE I KICK YOU OUT!"


"Thank you. Now someone tell me what's going on?!"

Zac hesitantly volunteered, "Er, Rantaro here can't speak properly and twinkle-toes kept asking me to heal him, which my healing didn't work."

Rantaro raised his hand and tried to speak, but gave up.

Lui sighed. "He is probably trying to tell a prophecy, seeing that he's the Soothsayer."

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