Ch18. The Broken Oath The Kings Had Sworn

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The legend of Spriggan, Longinus, Zeus and Xcalibur was famous among all the Souls. In the spirit realm, everyone knew about the story of how the four traveled to the human world. They were praised for their bravery to travel beyond their own realm, and their kind hearts to help the humans. And soon, some of the other Souls followed their lead towards Earth. However, unfortunately, there were still others who disagreed with the four kings.

Other than the spiritual realm Asgard and the human realm Midguard, there were seven other realms, and the realm Muspellheim was one of them. It was said that all demons came from there. Muspellheim was a land of fire and destruction, but sadly, the demons from said realm was furious with the four spirits.

Just a decade before the souls went to Earth, the demons of Muspellheim were at war with the humans of Midguard. Muspellheim won, of course. After the war, Muspellheim ruled Midguard. With the help of Pandara opening the Box, the demons took over the hearts of humans, tainting them with hatred, jealousy, sorrow, anger and darkness. But what they did wasn't against the rules of the Nine Realms. Midguard was under the rule of Muspellheim, and Muspellheim had every right to do what they wanted to humans.

All leaders of every realm, including the four spirit kings, sworn an important oath: Never touch something that wasn't their own. Meaning, the spirits cannot go to Midguard. However, the Souls pitied the humans, and decided to free them from the demons' wrath. Even though the humans were afraid of them, Earth had been a lot more brighter than it was before. Humans were happier and they lived in freedom, no longer angry and miserable; no longer the slaves of Muspellheim.

"You broke The Oath! The four of you are kings, you are responsible for keeping your promise!" A demon roared angrily.

"To hell with that oath!" Xcalibur retorted. "Yes, I admit we broke it, but we did it for peace! For fairness! What you demons did to humans are very cruel! You have gone too far on Midguard!!"

Longinus narrowed his eyes. "Do not think we cannot see your real intentions. Zeus, Xcalibur, Spriggan and I are not fools. We know you do not care about The Oath. You just want to take over another realm," he said coldly. "These thoughts of yours are not only evil, but also foolish."

Another demon, a younger Violet who still hadn't been banished to Tatarus, sneered, "What if we are trying to take over those pathetic humans? And either way, you four broke The Oath," she started to laugh. "If the four human princes you 'made friends with' aren't so deliciously appealing, I would have killed them here and now."

Some demon stepped up to her from behind. "Violet, keep those thoughts to yourself," he hissed.

Spriggan's eyebrow raised. "Kill?" He repeated slowly. "Do you have any idea of what you are saying? Those princes are strong, you cannot hurt them. If you demons really want to kill them, then you have to go through us."

Violet's eyes twinkled madly. "Ooh, so you mean war? What do you say, Muspellheim?!" She laughed.

The crowd of demons cheered and roared crazily. Chants of "KILL THE KINGS!!" could be heard.

"Demons..." Zeus groaned loudly. "Are they really that dumb...?"

But the cheers didn't stop. "OH HO HO!" A demon yelled. "WE SHALL HAVE OUR REVENGE!!"

They charged, and the Souls had no choice but to fight back. And after a few days of fighting, the legendary war between Muspellheim and Asgard broke out.

Many demons, including Violet, had been banished to Tatarus by the Sun. Yes, the kings had won battle, but demons would never truly die, and so wouldn't their desire for revenge. ~Story fact

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