S2Ch1. Beginning of the End

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"...Shu, what the hell are you doing?"

"Hmm?" Shu didn't even spare Wakiya a glance. "I'm fixing my hair."

Wakiya gave him a look. "What for? You don't usually fix your hair."

He glanced at Shu's hair. And eyes. "Dude, you look like a vampire."

"A real sexy vampire," Rantaro muttered in jealousy.

Shu shrugged and answered Wakiya's question, "I'm going to hang out with Lui."

Valt tripped over air. All the others' heads snapped towards Shu and eyes widened dramatically.

"And Zac," Shu added quickly.

Wakiya coughed and smirked. "Ooh. First date, huh?"

Shu huffed in annoyance. "As if anyone would date him."

"Yeah, anyone except you. Don't know you're gay."

Valt chirped, "He's gay."

Rantaro said, "Oh right. No wonder why he wears pink. It's okay. We all support you."

Shu tried to remain calm, but failed. "Okay, everyone, please stop talking about my sexuality."

The BeyClub ignored him.

"By the way, doesn't Lui's name sound like Yui?" Daina asked.

"Oh, I know where this is headed," Rantaro said.

"I know, I know!" Valt shouted. "Kurenai Shu and Lui! Sakamaki Shu and Yui!"

"Valt, who let you watch Diabolik Lovers?" Shu yelled in response.

Everyone ignored him again.

"And do you know that Sakamaki Shu bit Yui in a bathtub? They are literally bathing together!" Valt continued.

Valt, what happened to your purity?

Shu decided he had enough of this form of fuckery. He stood up, glanced at his watch and said, "I leaving now. I have to meet up with Lui- and Zac," he added, "fifteen minutes later. Bye."

Then he walked away.

"Ah, he's embarrassed."


Shu checked the time and frowned.

Lui wasn't there yet, and it had already been fifteen minutes; he wasn't the type to be late.

Just when Shu reached for his phone to call the purple eyed blader, said blader came runner towards him.

"Sorry, 'm late," Lui murmured. "I just waked up ten minutes ago."

Shu eyed him up and down. Lui didn't seem to be lying- his hair was... even messier than usual. There were real dark circles under his eyes. He looked as if he hadn't slept all night.

Turned out, he really didn't.


Shu raised an eyebrow, "Nightmares? Normal ones, or..."

"Not normal. Those," Lui said. Shu eyes darkened and nodded in understanding.

"What are they about?" Shu asked carefully.

The other tried to remember. "Something- someone. My dreams were filled with hatred, jealousy and coldness. And also misunderstanding. But the darkness was familiar, yet unfamiliar. Other than emotions, I saw flashes: one was about men, sad and sorrowful, facing another man with burning eyes; one was about a ticking clock, its hands turning anticlockwise in a quick pace, like time was running out; the last one was about a flash of white light."

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