S2Ch10. Eclipse (Pt 2)

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In the palace, the bladers from the past paced around. Shu and Zac were all the couch, squeezing their hands into fists tightly. It had been a long, hard time for them; they had heard the screams, the battle cries, lighting. It was warring outside of the palace, while they sat inside doing absolutely nothing. They were not even fighting, yet they felt so afraid.

Shu and Zac jumped up from the couch as soon as a sudden flash of orange appeared. Everyone's gazes snapped towards the orange light.

Out came Rantaro, and in his arms were two sleeping boys.

Shu was quick to rush towards Rantaro. He began to fiddle with his fingers anxiously. "What's happening out there? Are you okay? Is anyone-"

"Everyone is fine... for now," Rantaro said.

Shu stared at the two boys in Rantaro's arms. "Kensuke... Ben... What- Why are they-"

Rantaro exhaled and laid the two boys carefully on the couch. "You guys mentioned that Heracles had threatened to kill them if you don't come here, correct?"

The bladers nodded.

"I guess he wasn't kidding. He brought them here as well. The two of them are still alive, I checked, but I think they will be out for a while," Rantaro's smile turned into a scowl. "Shu saw them laying on the ground just then, ready to get crushed by the army. My assumptions are that Heracles must have left them with his... soldiers, but they must have forgotten about them once Heracles ordered to attack."

Valt's face paled. "That monster..."

Rantaro laughed bitterly, shaking his head. "Yes, unfortunately, he is that cruel. Apparently, threatening is his personal hobby, and... he decided to threaten us with our people's lives. Coward," he spat.

Then, there was a loud crash and cannons went off once again. Lightning struck and thunders boomed, lightning up every corner of the dark room.

"Was that-" Zac started.

"Yeah," Rantaro scratched his head. "That's you. I have to get back now. I have to fight as well. For Asgard and everyone."

Rantaro stepped in. "Future me," he started, eyes hopeful and searching. "Is the future going to turn out... okay?"

The future Soothsayer had an unexplainable but kind smile on his face. "It's going to be better than okay."

And with another flash, he was gone.


"Kensuke? It really is you..." Valt whispered, lowering his sword. Shu shot him a glance.

"Valt... Don't let your guard down. He's still our enemy. He's still Heracles," Shu reminded.

Valt frowned and squeezed his eyes shut. "But he is also Kensuke. The friend who we haven't seen in over fifty years. His name is not goddamn Heracles!"


"Why?! Why Kensuke?" Valt asked. "Why do the people I love turn their back on me? First Toko and Nika, now you? What... what have you done to yourself?"

Heracles scoffed. "The people you love? You still love me after fifty years? When you all suddenly... suddenly disappeared from my life just because beyblade spirits offered you a sweet deal to become fucking royalty? Are you kidding me?!"

"Yes," Valt said firmly. "We've all missed you. All of us, and that's the truth."

At that, Daina cut in. "What he said was true. We all have missed you, so much. But we just didn't know why you did this. The you we knew wouldn't kill innocents. He wouldn't be selfish, Kensuk-"

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