Ch4. The Letter From Hell

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Dark, gloomy yet huge and empty abandoned hotels were scary. It was even scarier if the hotel was haunted by lost souls, ghostly demons and creatures from hell.

The abandoned hotel, Hôtel Creux, was located in the darkest parts of Japan. Hôtel Creux was abandoned due to its dark and scary nature. Rumours had it that in the hotel, there were voices, cries and whispers coming from under the beds, behind curtains and inside the closets. It was also said that all travelers who went into Hôtel Creux could never come back out again.

After the abandonment, Hôtel Creux had never been visited again. The hotel was a truely terrifying place which most people feared. Keyword: most of them. 

Inside one of the big, grand, yet spooky rooms of Hôtel Creux, gathered there was a group of demons and their 'queen'.

"Have you found anything that's related to the four princes?" A lady with red hair asked as she narrowed her pink eyes at her demonic followers.

Her followers shivered at her piercing stare.

"Hmm? Are you fools just going to stand here and say nothing? ANSWER ME!" She demanded as she stood up from her throne.

"I gave you two weeks, and you stupid fools can't even find a single thing that's related them!" She shouted again. "The four princes are given powers by the great goddess Fate! If I don't find them as soon as possible, I will loose my chance of becoming the queen of the elements!"

One of the demons shivered as he raised his hand in question. "Q-Queen S-Scarlet... H-How can you make y-yourself q-queen of a-all elements? How c-can you transfer the four p-princes' p-powers to yourself? I-Isn't transfering p-powers i-impossible?" He asked, his lips trembling. Scarlet placed her forehead against her palm in annoyance.

"My, my, how innocent for a demon," she mused, licking her lipstick-coated lip, twirling her red bangs with her finger. "I've found a ritual to transfer their powers to me. A really, really easy ritual. I really don't mind a fivesome with the four of them, especially with the gorgeous, handsome Prince Syu. Soon enough, I will have all of the four princes in my bed, moaning my name!" She giggled as her pink eyes darkened with lust.

Some demons gasped at this, but Queen Scarlet just chose to just laugh and ignore them. Her disturbing thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in," Queen Scarlet scowled. 

The door opened and a beautiful woman in a black silk dress came inside the room.

"Oh Scarlet, dear," the woman smiled a sweet but fake smile. "Is this how you greet your own sister?" She cooed.

Scarlet gasped as she saw her older sister. "Violet, what brings you here? You haven't visited in ages!" Queen Scarlet asked in disbelief as she recognised the woman in black. Violet chuckled as walked closer to Scarlet. 

"Sister, I have got the latest information regarding your four darling princes, so I figured that you might want to know about it," she said.

Queen Scarlet's eyes widened. "Yes, please do continue," she said, impressed.

Violet nodded with another sweet yet fake smile and opened her mouth to speak, "The four princes, namely Prince Zen, Prince Alexander, Prince Luk and Prince Syu. The four princes who are gifted with the powers of the four elements, Air, Earth, Water and Fire by Fate. The four of them not only hold the key pieces to the thrones and crowns of Magic and even nature, the wild itself, but also pure power. If you performed the... ritual you were talking about earlier with the four princes, you will have both them and their powers to yourself," Violet paused as a smirk crossed Scarlet's face.

She grinned and continued, "However, after their sorrowful deaths, they weren't moved to the magical world to happily rule together again with their powers. Fate sent them to the mortal world and even erased most of their memories about their past lives. Fate was a smart but devious lady, who uses different people as pawns of her own little game. Instead of having the princes living in peace, she decided to have them, and even us, to suffer a bit. Like us, the princes were immobilised mortal humans now. Mortal teenage humans who still haven't regained their powers back. Yet," she added.

"Hmm... This is getting really interesting," said Scarlet with a hint of excitement. "Violet, dearest sister, do you have any ideas of who and where the reincarnated princes are?"

Violet held her laughter. 'Oh Scarlet, still so impatient. Still so naive. You still can't resist anything that you like, not knowing your whole world is a lie,' she thought.

Violet bit her lower lip to hold in her laughter. "Scarlet, deary, don't think so low of me!" She said, almost pouting as she put on her most innocent face. "Of course I know who and where they are now! I have connections!"

Then, she smirked again. "They are the famous Spin Emperors," she said, voice almost a hush.


A loud chuckle rung throughoutthe room. "The Spin Emperors, Zenkuro Kurogane, Kaiza Xhakuenji, Lui Shirasagijo and Shu Kurenai!"


After the meeting with the other Spin Emperors, Xhaka went back to the dojo. As he reached the dojo's door, he checked his phone for the time and frowned. It was already eight o'clock, and Yugo and Ukyo must be worried sick about him. Xhaka didn't want his friends to be worried. He quickly kicked off his shoes and walked inside quickly, looking for his teammates and friends.

"Yugo! Ukyo! I'm back!" He shouted merrily. But after a minute, his laughter faded away.

Why wasn't Yugo and Ukyo responding? Xhaka's voice was loud, so there was no way that the two of his teammates couldn't hear him.

Xhaka frowned deeper at this. Normally if Xhaka returned late, Yugo and Ukyo would rush towards him and give him a big hug as if they hadn't seen him in years and would tell him that they were worried sick in less than a second. Then, they would probably get some snacks then go out for a walk. And sometimes, they would just watch some television and go straight to bed. But no. This time, the whole dojo was silent.

'Weird,' Xhaka thought. 'I understand if the other dojo members are asleep. But as for Yugo and Ukyo, they were never heavy sleepers and they usually sleep at ten.'

Xhaka tried looking for them in the dorms, the battle stadium, the martial arts training rooms and even all the bathrooms. Xhaka also tried going outside of the dojo to see if they were hunting or setting up ninja slash samurai traps. Still, he couldn't find them.

'This doesn't seem right. This isn't right...' His thoughts were cut off by a shout.

"Xhaka! Yugo and Ukyo... They're gone! Someone... Someone took them! She even tried to threaten our lives! She even left you a letter!" A dojo member said with fear in his eyes while running towards Xhaka, handing him a piece of paper. In a split second, Xhaka's worries were replaced by his rage as he snatched the letter from the dojo member's hands, leaving the dojo member trembling in fear. Xhaka was shaking with anger as he read the letter:

To Kaiza Xhakuenji:

Surprise,Surprise, Mr Spin Emperor! Guess what? I've got the two of your best friends here with me! It's not just YOUR friends, but also the other Spin Emperors' friends too! Don't want them to die? Good. I'll be waiting for all the four of you on the rooftop of the WBBA building at midnight. Sharp. Come here, then your friends won't suffer the consequences. But if you don't, then, ta-da! They DIE


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