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Xhaka bolted upright in his bed, panting heavily. Sweat trickled down his skin, making his clothes hug tightly against his body. His hands shaking slightly, he put his aching forehead in his palm.


Very slowly, he started to lift his head and looked around. He was in his dojo bedroom. The curtains were down but light was peaking through the cracks. It was clearly morning. His room smelt of familiar bamboo and fresh grass. It was a nice shade of yellowish brown all around instead of blank white.


Xhaka's head started aching sharply once again, accompanied by a faint pang of dizziness as memories started to fill his head quickly.

Or was it a dream? Xhaka frowned. Time travel, future selves were definitely not something you encounter every day.

The blader reached for his phone on his left side. Surprisingly, it was exactly where he put it before he... well, woke up.

He turned on his cellphone and the time and date popped out on the screen. It was the same day Heracles first came to the past, Xhaka realised. Just a few hours earlier.

Just as he blinked in confusion, he heard footsteps running towards his room.

Without even knocking, the door banged open. Ukyo and Quon sprinted in his room. Uncharacteristically, Ukyo knocked down a vase. Ukyo stopped abruptly, looking at the vase rolling on the floor. He sighed in relief as the vase stopped rolling, unharmed.

"Ukyo? ...and Quon? What are you doing here?" Xhaka asked.

"We asked him to stay the night at the dojo, remember?" Ukyo reminded. "You know, the night before... Heracles attacked. It's supposed to be yesterday but-"

Xhaka rubbed his temples. "Ah... so it wasn't a dream."

Quon bit his inner cheek, looking to the side. "Yeah... unfortunately."

"Are- are you guys okay?" Xhaka asked immediately. "Are you harmed anywhere?"

The two shook their heads. "We're fine," Ukyo assured. "How about you?"

"Other than shock, not much," Xhaka laughed. "A lot of crazy stuff has happened in these few days, yeah?"

Ukyo and Quon nodded. "Yeah," Ukyo agreed. "It has been a restless journey-"

Xhaka cut in suddenly. "Wait. What's this amazing smell?"

From the dojo kitchen, Yugo yelled, "I'm making egg and ramen for breakfast! Who wants some?!"

Suddenly, everyone's worries and angst were replaced by extreme hunger. Ukyo, putting all his ninja skills into use, bolted outside.

"I want two soft boiled eggs and a ramen!" Ukyo demanded.

"I want two bowls of ramen and an egg!" Quon shouted as well.

"I WANT TWO BOWLS OF RAMEN AND THREE EGGS!" Xhaka decided, getting up on his feet quickly.

Ignoring the disgusted grunt from Yugo, the group laughed joyously.

Breakfast sounds perfect, Xhaka smiled to himself.


Lui normally woke up at unholy hours like six. Or earlier. Today, he slept in until ten. There was school today, but screw it, Lui decided.

He turned on his phone and saw 20 missed called. He flinched.

Most of them were from his mom. She had also sent him some angry and worried texts.

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