Ch16. Deities of the Sea

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Shu just didn't know what exactly had just happened.

Lui was the third Spin Emperor who got his powers. Shu could only watch when Lui fought Violet with Longinus, striking the damn demon with ice. He almost laughed when Lui beat Violet while she tried to escape in cowardice. Shu had to admit, the battle was far too quick to be over. Maybe Lui was just too strong, or maybe Violet was too weak in comparison.

But then, that's when everything suddenly went wrong.

"Ha, you think you're so strong now?! I'll come back and have your souls, just you wait!!"  Was what Violet screamed when she ran away. As Shu started to step forward towards Lui from the back, he felt a pull underneath him, like someone was trying to abduct him. Like Violet was trying to abduct him, bringing him with her.

 He watched as Xhaka, Zac and the others ran towards Lui. Shu tried to shout for help, but no one listened. No one could hear him. By that, realisation hit him as he knew he had lost to the powerful pull of force. A whispy purple smoke surrounded Shu, and before anyone knew it, he disappeared from the room. 


Shu opened his eyes. In panic, he tried to move around but failed. Something was holding him back. He glanced at his waist where he felt a tight squeeze.

To his horror, the things weren't chains. He looked at his surroundings— it wasn't like what he expected; he thought he would be in a cold, dark and dirty cell. However, what he saw was a big room with walls painted in silver, and marble floors in black and white. On top of him was a crystal chandelier glowing a pale purplish light. Shu found himself on a golden throne, with someone else beside him.

As Shu stared down to his waist, he saw a pair of arms tightly wrapped around him. Shu slowly looked at his side to find Violet sitting beside him, touching and hugging him like he was her pet dog. Her eyes were closed.

Shu's eyes clenched in disgust and tried to move again, more hardly this time, but Violet's arms wouldn't move. Violet started to open her eyes. She smiled when she caught sight of Shu.

"My prince..." she murmured. "You're finally here with me... Finally..." Shu moved againand wiggled, tryling to escape the obsessive woman's embrace. "No use in struggling, my darling, I will never let you leave my side..."

In an attempt to seduce him, Violet licked him on his cheek. Feeling nauseous, Shu deliberately tilted his face away from her.


 "Oh? Stop? No can do," Violet giggled as she placed one of her hands on Shu's face, fingering the scar on his eye. Her fingers trailed down to rub the smooth skin of his back as her hand slipped inside his shirt.

"Demon, are you quite through harassing me?" Shu said emotionlessly.

"Prince Syu..." Violet breathed and touched Shu's belt buckle. "Blame yourself for being so sexily appealing..."

Shu's eyes snapped wide in anger as he swapped her hand away. "What, are you going to rape me next?" He asked. Violet giggled. "What the hell is wrong with you?! First you said you want power, then next, you try to fucking rape me! Lui is right, you're just a coward who is desperate for power and attention!!"

Violet frowned as she heard Lui's name, but then smiled. "Ah, Prince Luk..." she said and licked her lips. "He's also very attractive..."

"You are disgusting," Shu hissed. "Lui and I will never—"

Violet cut him off by pulling his hair. Shu groaned in pain, but she took it as a moan of pleasure. Violet grinned in satisfaction.

"It's getting late, my prince," she smirked. "Rest well for tonight..." Violet snapped her fingers, then Shu shut his eyes unwillingly under her spell and let darkness engulf him.

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