S2Ch6. Odin

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"Now, where the hell are we."

"Why is this place so colourful and long I feel uncomfortable."

"So Heracles sent us into a rainbow tunnel. Gayyyy-"

"Oh my god Rantaro shut up."

"Everyone shut the fuck up," Shu hissed. He pushed Valt and Rantaro and some other people off him. He looked around and sighed.

"What should we do now?" Valt questioned. "Summon-"

"No. No, not that. No risking the lives of our Bey souls. Something else," Shu replied quickly.

"At least figure out where we are," Lui glared at a dirtied spot on his white boot and kicked angrily at thin air.

"You're trapped in time, of you're wondering."

A voice suddenly cut out, clear and booming.

"Oh what th- Heracles, is that you?" Lui bit out.

"Great observations, you should be awarded a price."

"Who the hell traps someone in a rainbow tunnel anyway?" Wakiya called out.

There was an echo before the man replied. "Don't ask about the colours. I didn't ask for them. Anyway," he paused. "You are going to be trapped here and eventually die-"

"A slow, horrible and agonizingly painful death?!" Valt screeched.

"...no, but you're still gonna die of hunger."

"How boring. I feel like there's more to this," Zac gritted out.

"Yes, and I'm sure I don't have to tell you the only way to get out of here?" Heracles asked in a calm tone.

"He sounds like my mom," Rantaro whispered.

"Let me guess, we have to summon our Bey spirits?" Xhaka pushed.

A short laugh. "Or you die."

There was no flash or dramatic change, but there were suddenly a couple of faint holograms in the closed space. The holograms were the appearances of monsters, dragons, gods- Bey spirits. The Bey spirits of the bladers' future selves.

The future Bey souls were a few fade and dusky holograms, auras weak and tired. They were trapped in some sort of invisible barrier, unable to move an inch. No injury was seen on their spiritual bodies, but they all looked beat and battered.

"Oh no..."


"...didn't future us just had their abilities?"

The whispers sounded mostly like this. Panicked and confused or sad and pained gasps of their Bey spirits' names. The second rule would be broken if a Bey spirit from the past met the future. There would be consequences.

"The spirit doesn't belong in the spinning top. It belongs in a realm. The spinning top is just a tool to summon the spirit. With enough power, the spirit would still be summoned without the top," Heracles explained. "Don't you understand? Now the kings would suddenly be powerless, without even knowing the reason why! The second your spirit is summoned, the second this future is doomed!"

Lui finally looked up, looking as pissed off as ever. "Um, I think the fuck not. You do know what the strongest power that summons Bey spirits, don't you? It's the bond between the Beyblade and blader, the connection founded through years of fighting together, and what, you think your shitty 'power' can stop anything? Keep dreaming, old man."

The air was dead silent for a while, cold and terrifying. "Bond?" His voice was calm laced with an slim edge of anger and bewilderment. "There's no such thing as a bond between beyblade and men. It's just a story made up by the spirits to keep you all interested and pumping, kid. Beyblade is just for children, and these... kings," he spat the word in distaste, "still haven't grown up."

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