S2Ch8. Skyfall

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Quon stared at Quetzalcoatl. Jin stared at Quetzalcoatl. Future Orochi stared. The other bladers stared as well. Quetzalcoatl blinked.

Quon was shocked, he couldn't help it. Okay, he had expected it, because when he time travelled- time travelled- what's surprising anymore.

Still, it was the first time his beyblade, his friend and companion, showed his true form to him and- it was scary and at the same time wonderful.

"Quetzalcoatl," Quon greeted softly.

Quetzalcoatl didn't move his mouth, but he responded, "Quon."

The air vibrated at the short syllable. A gust of wind came at Quon's direction, warm and welcoming in the midst of the freezing tunnel.

"Quetzalcoatl... we need your help," Quon said, ashamed.

Well. Asking for help for a first conversation was definitely not a good impression.

As if to read Quon's thoughts, Quetzalcoatl started to laugh, shaking the air around them in amusement. There were breezes here and there at each chuckle.

"Quon. My friend," Quetzalcoatl said. "I will be here to help you and your friends. There is no need to feel ashamed. Tell me, what do you want?"

"We need to get out of here," Quon said, fumbling with the hem of his jacket. "Heracles locked us here, and I'm afraid you are our only hope."

Quetzalcoatl looked around. His eyes narrowed quickly. "This is...? Don't tell me..."

"This is a time tunnel, unfortunately," Orochi said. "This is the future. I am this future's Ginba Orochi."

"I see..." Quetzalcoatl said. "Do you remember anything like this happening when you were young?"

Orochi shook his head. "It never happened. I was still head banging to music at that time while they are already travelling to the future," he laughed bitterly. "The future is changing, and no one has a clue how to fix it. I have been locked here for god knows how long, but I know the Kings will have an idea. That's why we need to get back as soon as possible."

Quetzalcoatl's expressionless face morphed into one full of sadness. "I do not have the power to do what you ask for. I am very sorry."

His head was bowed. Quon blinked, eyes slowly widened in panic.

"But!" Quon exclaimed. He didn't show any anger. He could never be angry for Quetzalcoatl for something he couldn't do.

But he just felt very, very, very afraid.

"Quetzalcoatl, are you sure?" Quon asked desperately. "What are we going to do? If we don't get out of here, we are all going to d... Please."

Valt, from the back, shouted in fear, "Guys! Valkyrie isn't responding!"

Akira was in his own fit of panic. "Anubis as well! What are we going to do!"

Quon was sweating now, looking at his bey spirit with pleading eyes.

Quetzalcoatl looked uneasy. "There is... one."

Quon snapped back into full attention. "What?"

"There is one way. But you won't like it," Quetzalcoatl said.

"What is it?" Quon urged, ignoring the warning.

"Time is the most powerful and complex and terrifying energy in the universe. I myself is far below It. Wind is far slower than light. We have to sacrifice something in order to get out of here," Quetzalcoatl explained.

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