Ch10. Revelations

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Morning came early as the sun painted the golden sky in bright colours. The weather was cool, cold even. Shu shivered a bit. He had a little secret: he hated the cold. Every winter, he usually practiced a lot to keep warm, and sometimes even stayed home. Some of his close friends might know about his secret, but even Valt didn't know about what he always did at home when he's cold— he liked to curl up inside his soft blankets and roll. According to his mother, he liked it when someone cuddles with him while he was asleep when he was younger.

His mother. Shu sighed. His mother, and father, were both working overseas. Since he was ten, he had barely seen his parents. They didn't have time to even call Shu for more that once a week or two weeks. He had missed them, dearly, but he had already gotten used to the life he was living now. Not that he didn't have any friends. The white haired blader sighed again as he thought about Valt. Someone had tried to kill Valt the previous night because of him...

"...Shu? Sh— SHU!! Earth to Kurenai Shu!"

Shu turned towards the source of the voice. The gloomy silence at the dining table was broken by Valt's shouts. And when I said 'gloomy', I meant absolutely gloomy. The four Spin Emperors and their seven friends were silently eating their breakfast after showering and cleaning up. They were sleepy, judging by the faint circles under their eyes. They had slept at 2 a.m. after all, and it was currently nine in the morning. They had only slept for seven hours, and Shu could tell that they didn't exactly have good dreams. The other seven woke up just a few minutes after the four got off bed, and after that, no one really spoke much.

"Yeah?" Shu replied as he poured himself another glass of (warm) water. 

Valt went on loudly, not caring that everyone else were looking at them, "I had a REALLY crazy dream last night. It was so crazy like..." he thought for a while. "It was like 'whoosh!' and 'bang!' and 'boom!' And... And it was kind of scary, and weird, but it was still so crazy! And I saw a lllllllot of purple. And yellow. And purple and yellow." Shu didn't really get what Valt was talking about, but he didn't like where this was heading. He had a bad feeling of what Valt's 'dream' was about.

Quon, surprising, cut him off and opened his mouth to speak. "Come to think of it," he muttered. "I had a dream too. It was also as weird. There were a lot of colours, lighting yellow and a sickly shade of purple were two of them, and while dreaming, I was feeling very uncomfortable. Like I'm struggling. I think I saw people, five of them, in my dream, but I don't remember who they are..." Yugo, Ukyo, Orochi, Akira all nodded in agreement as they also thought about the dreams they, apparently, also had. Gou paid no attention as he turned on the TV with the remote control he found in the room. Soon, everyone was watching the unusual news on the television.

"A strange phenomenon have been recorded for the first time in Japan this morning in 1:12 a.m. this morning. The sky, instead of black, had turned a bright blue colour, the colour of a morning sky. Behind the clouds, a bright object was caught on camera rising and glowing in the sky for a least three minutes. It disappeared quickly after lightning struck the sky. Astronomers believed it was a star, similar to the Sun. The light from the star had been very similar to sunlight, and scientists observed the star to be as big as the sun. However, It would be impossible to be the Sun itself," the reporter said. "The 'star' is now named Helios B, and scientists will continue their research on this particular star..."

The reporter went on, and while some of the other's eyes were fixed on the television, Zac bit his lower lip while looking at Orochi. He remembered what Zeus told him. The sun was shining, and it should be a perfect time to heal Orochi's injured arm. Zac was scared that people, including even his friends, finding out his secret. But then, his best friend's safety mattered much more than shame and fear. He took a deep breath. Everyone else in the room looked at him.

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