Ch6. The Goddess Of Treachery

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As the clock strikes 11:45p.m, the four started to walk towards the WBBA building, weapon in hands. The street lamps were dim, and the building they used to battle in before them looked scary and a sickly yellow under the dark yellow lights. The sky was not as black as it used to be, as it was covered in thick, gray clouds. The moon and stars were gone and behind the clouds, as if they didn't want to see what would happen next.

Lui was first to break the silence between the four, groaning quietly while twirling his black fighting knife in his hand.

"I hate this," he mumbled sourly. "It makes us sound like some sort of super heroes or... Disney princes saving our friends' lives."

Shu glared at Lui as he heard Lui's muttering. "And you think we don't?" He snapped. "One wrong move and our friends die. We ourselves could easily die too. You think the three of us are liking this too?"

Lui and Shu glared at each other fiecy but said nothing after they saw the 'shut-the-hell-up' looks Xhaka and Zac were giving them.

And after a short while, the four Spin Emperors were already at the WBBA building's doors. Shu then reached out to open the doors, making a loud screech. After opening the doors, Shu nodded at the other three, then the four stepped inside the dark and silent building. But when the four were fully inside, the doors slammed loudly with a 'THUD' behind them by themselves. Zac and Shu's eyes widened in fear, while Lui simply froze.

Xhaka, being the calmest one of the four, quickly walked up towards the closed doors and pulled hardly.

"Shit!" He cursed. "They're locked!" He pulled again and again, but still, nothing happened.

"Urgh," Lui groaned as he checked his watch. "Let's just forget about these damn doors and move on. It's already 11:56 p.m. We only have six minutes and we don't have much time left. So everyone just please move your legs and go to the rooftop."

Zac and Shu could only nod, still not yet recovered from the shock, and Xhaka just rolled his eyes at Lui but had no choice but to follow Lui's instruction.

Then, the Spin Emperors proceeded to walk away from the doors and towards the rooftop. The WBBA building was three floors high, excluding the rooftop, so to get to the rooftop, bladers must use the lift.

Speaking of lifts, Zac suddenly stopped walking as he remembered something important.

"Um... guys," he started hesitantly. "We can't use the lifts now. All electricity, including the lights and the lifts, were all shut down after 10 p.m. This rule is written on the notice board downstairs. We must use the stairs instead."

Everyone else groaned quietly (Lui groaned the loudest), but didn't complain as they followed Zac up the staircase.

"I feel like some magical ninja or knight somehow. If anyone catch us like this, with weapons and everything and lurking in the shadows, then I can already see the headline of tomorrow's news: 'Spin Emperors Of Japan, Cosplaying In The Middle Of The Night?!' Yeah, I can totally imagine that," Xhaka joked quietly.

"Shut up and be serious. We are trying to not get killed," Lui said.

Xhaka rolled his eyes. "Just trying to lighten up the mood," he retorted.

After a while, the four reached the top end of the stairs, and in front of them was a door. The staircases were long and high, and they had to walk up to the rooftop (which was technically the fourth floor of the extremely huge and tall building), so all of the four Spin Emperors were already panting and sweating in exhaustion.

"R...Ready, guys?" Shu said breathlessly and the others nodded in response. Shu swiped a single drop of sweat off his forehead and took a deep breath. He reached out his right hand, then slowly and carefully opened the door.

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