Chapter 17: The World Will Know

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  • Dedicated to All of my wonderful readers!

"What?" Romeo asked. 

"We go on strike!" Jack shouted. "Ya know, nobody buy  any papes! Pulitzer will be forced to change the prices back, or his paper will go out of business 'cause there will be no one to sell da papes!"

Suddenly, everyone started talking at once. No one had ever tried some thing like that. Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst were the ones in charge of  The World, the newspaper company that the newsies worked for, practically owned New York. They controlled what the people knew. As they always said, "If it isn't in the papers, then it never happened."

Suddenly, Jack stood up and started to sing "Pulitzer and Hearst, they think we're nothing," he sang. "Are we nothing?"

All of the newsies stood and shouted their response. "NO!"

"Pulitzer and Hearst, they think they got us," he continued singing. "Do they got us?"

Once again the newsies shouted, "NO!"

"Even though we ain't got hats or badges, we're a union, just by sayin' so," Jack grinned. "And the world will know!" Julie laughed to herself. Yep, The World will know!

"What's it gonna take ta stop the wagons? Are we ready?"


"What's it gonna take ta stop the scabbers? Can we do it?"


"We'll do what we gotta do until we break the will of mighty Bill and Joe!"

All of the newsies joined in the singing. "And the world will know!" They continued singing in loud, rousing voices. They actually sounded like they could do this. 

"The World will feel the fire and finally know!" they finished singing. They were ready.

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