Chapter 28: Learn to Trust

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The next night, Mikey disappeared. He had left a note pinned to the wall of the distribution center, where he knew Julie would find it. The letter apologized for the previous night's misunderstanding, and informed her that he was going to stay in Brooklyn for a little while, with her brother.   

Julie sighed sadly after reading the letter through multiple times. She had never wanted it to come to this. She despised the gap that had grown between her and her best friend. 

"What's wrong?" a voice asked softly. She whirled around. It was none other than Jack Kelly. 

Julie, feeling too exhausted and overwhelmed to protest, allowed the boy to pull the letter from her hand. He read it several times before handing it back to her. Seeing the miserable look on her face, he whispered, "I'm sorry."

"I know he was like a brother to you," he continued. "But I also want to apologize for what happened the other night, when I left Crutchie." Julie lifted her head and stared at him. What could he possibly have to say that could make up for what he did.

"It's just that, I was scared okay?" he said nervously. Julie couldn't believe her ears. Jack Kelly, their fearless leader, had been scared? "I didn't know what ta do, an I didn't want ta put any of da other boys in danger. He wouldn't have wanted me to. He would have wanted me to make sure they were all safe, especially you." 

"He would have been furious with me if I'd let them take you, in an attempt ta rescue him," Jack sighed. "Also, I don't think I could have stopped those guys even if I tried. I'm not a superhero."

He looked tired and depressed. "Do you think you could ever find it in ya ta forgive me? Ta learn ta trust me again?"

Julie smiled slightly. "Yes," she whispered, and he grinned and hugged her. Somehow, she knew everything would be alright.

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