Chapter 1

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Lauren POV

   Just as promised, I called Jake as soon as I came off the plane, using a payphone as he had commanded. Our conversation didn't last long though. I told him about our flight and how we landed without any trouble then he just lectured me on the things I was not supposed to do whilst Camila and I were in Cuba. 

"DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT go strolling in the dark all on your own and certainly do not make friends with anyone. Make a few acquaintances here and there but don't make yourselves too noticed." he warned. 'And do not get yourselves noticed or in trouble with the police or that would make the States find out where you are.'

"I got it!" I retorted which made him sigh. 'What are we meant to do now?' I asked. All he did tell us was to get on the flight but hardly didn't tell us anything about what we're meant to do when we were there. 

"Uh..." he thought for a while. 'First of all, I want you to check in to a hotel, not too fancy but at least you got yourself a shelter. Try and get a room as close to the fire exit so that it's easier to escape just in case you need to.' he explained. 'And from there, just relax and act as if you're tourists. Call me tonight, I need to figure out everything else.' 

"Alright." I answered. 'I'll call you around 7 then.' 

"That's perfect. I'll fill you in on everything that's going, as promised." 

"Good." I said before hanging up. Putting the phone back where it was, I stroll to where Camila was located, waiting for me. 

   "So what did he say?" she asked as I linked arms with her. 

"Just lectured me to be honest saying how we're not allowed to do certain things that will get us noticed and stuff." I explained. 'But he said we had to check into a hotel and we needed to get a room as close as possible to the fire exit in case we needed to escape.' she glanced at the floor for a while before looking at me. 

"D'you think they'll come and find us and then we'll have to escape?" she questioned. I shrugged my shoulders and didn't say anything. They were trying to find us, obviously! Even if it wasn't to arrest me for attempt murder then it was definitely our parents' who wanted to find us safe and sound; and the girls' as well.

   Trying to avoid answering the question, I changed the subject. 

"He said to act like tourists." she nodded. 

"We need a camera for that and he did say 'No electronics!'" I chuckled at the way she mimicked his voice. 

"You don't need a camera to look like a tourist." I mentioned. 'We can just use a map.' I said pointing at a stand which was full of brochures. We approached the stand and examined the brochures. 

"Just like Jake said, we should find a hotel then." she exclaimed, picking up a brochure and flicking through it. I nodded and cloned her actions. 

   The brochure was another way of scamming people! Flicking through the pages, they showed many resorts that tourist would be able to visit and the price next to it. They showed a few hotels but they were way too expensive for me and Camila to pay for, with the money Jake provided anyway. 

   Putting the brochure where it belonged, I took Camila by the hand and led her away from the stand. 

"What's wrong?" Camz asked. 

"Too expensive." I answered, looking down at her. She sighed. 

"I thought we were tourist!" 

"Yeah but 4050 pesos for that! That's around how much money we've got." she sighed. 

Anything Is Possible (A Sequel to "The End of Fifth Harmony Camren Fan Fiction")Where stories live. Discover now