Chapter 26

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Lauren POV

   Dinah stalked after Camila left the room, shooting me a sympathetic look which I had ignored. Why was she being such a bitch? Camz and I were sorting everything out, like they had wanted, but yet she was trying to snatch my Camz, I repeat MY CAMZ! I had to let her go, knowing what I had done and the secret I had punching me every second it got. I knew my secret would soon come out and ruin our relationship, but yet I was the reason why Camz was so lost, leaving her discovering who she was in a continuous war with depression. If only I had the guts to tell her how I felt, why I was prepared to push her away and allow her to be available to others. 

   Irritated and angry, I pushed myself off Camila's bed, stomping towards the door to find the girls all huddled up in the kitchenette. 

"You ready, Lauren?" Ally asked, me giving her a quick nod, attempting to keep my glare from eye's reach. None of us said anything to each other, not even when Candece walked into the silent room. 

"Is everything okay, girls?" Candece questioned, staring at all of us before focusing her gaze on me. 'Lauren, are still feeling sick?' I rolled my eyes. I never said that!

"I'm good." I answered vaguely, trying to avoid her gaze. Ally was probably looking at me right now, wondering why I hadn't told her I was feeling sick; I looked over my shoulder, my guess being correct as Ally's saucepan eyes were already fixed on me, a worried look plastered over her face. 

"Let's go then." Candece motioned us to the door. Normani and Ally were the first to follow after Candece, leaving Dinah, Camz and I in the most awkward position ever, wondering who was going to follow after. 

"After you lot." I said aloud, still gazing at the floor, pointing at the door. 

Dinah POV

   I knew I was being a sucky friend, forgetting the feelings that both Camila and Lauren had trapped inside their heart, knowing how it hurt them not to let it out and show everyone how much they loved each other. The thing was, I just couldn't let that happen. I knew somehow Lauren was going to find her way to worm into Camila's heart again, taking her away from me and I didn't want that. I knew the true reason why Lauren wanted to depart from Camila, leaving me to be the one to pick her up again, attempting to transform her into the Mila I knew. Camila and Lauren apart allowed me to build a relationship with Camila I never had the chance to. She was always by Lauren's side, Lauren being selfish and keeping her all to herself, not permitting anyone to step a foot near her. With Lauren's claws clasped around Mila, there was no way I could build a strong friendship with her but now they're apart, I got to know her better, having the relationship I dreamed of. 

   It sucked for me really. Everyone else lived near each other, leaving me being the only one all alone. Normani and Ally practically saw each other everyday even though they lived at least an hour away from each other and Lauren and Camila DID see each other everyday, leaving me being the only one living away in California, all on my own. I never had a close bond with any of the other girls, not that any of the other girls allowed me to have a close relationship with them. I was  always felt a lot closer to Camila than everyone else. Normani was a cool girl but with Ally as her back bone, she was a little too serious for me. Lauren has too many mood swings for me to handle but Mila was just perfect. She was humble, a extremely hilarious character who was up for anything. She wasn't too serious like Normally or had any mood swings like Lauren. She was my perfect friend. 

   I admired their alluring attraction towards each other, no one could deny these two deserved each other. But with these two attached to each other, how could I get any close to Mila? Having her in Lauren's grasp just sends many messages of jealousy. Of course I was jealous of how close Lauren was to Camila, hoping one day us too could be as close. I wasn't in love with Camila, obviously not, but I valued our friendship and seeing how Lauren tore Camila's heart, even if she didn't mean to, just hurt me as much. How could you treat such a gentle soul like a piece of shit?

Anything Is Possible (A Sequel to "The End of Fifth Harmony Camren Fan Fiction")Where stories live. Discover now