Chapter 5

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Lauren POV

    I had to speak to someone, somebody that would listen to me. Camila wouldn't obviously, she was too busy being pissed at me and talking to those women - even though Jake said not to! 

   She doesn't understand anything! SHE wasn't the one who was driving the car. SHE wasn't the one who had to watch his body flip over the car then land on the ground. SHE wasn't the one who had to quickly drive away and get rid of the weapon. SHE wasn't the one who has had sleepless nights, reliving the horror of driving the same car over and over again. SHE wasn't the one who had to run away from her house because of a crime SHE had committed. SHE didn't understand anything but here she was, giving me the cold shoulder. I already told her not to come with me but she did anyway, and she was the first to complain. 

   Going to the payphone, I dial Jake and wait for him to answer. 

"Lauren? Is that you? Oh my gosh! I'm so happy to hear your voice. How are you?" he asked. I shrugged my shoulders. 

"Not good." I answered. 

"Why? What's wrong?" 

"It's... it's Camz." he groaned. 

"What happened with the two love birds?" 

"It's not funny!" I snapped. 

"I'm not laughing! Lauren... fine then. I'm sorry. What's wrong then with you and Cabello?" 

"Well she's angry at me at the moment because I don't want to talk to her-"

"Speak to her then." I groaned. 

"I'm not finished!" I retorted which made him sigh. 'Jake... listen to me, please.'

"Lauren, I am." 

"I can't move on from the past.... it keeps haunting me. Whenever I close my eyes, I can see him. I'm reliving the moment again and again and again and it's tearing me apart. I can't tell her... otherwise she'll start to worry and I'm trying to stay strong but..." I trailed off, whilst the tears fell down my face. 'I want to stay strong for her but I can't do it anymore. I have to go back to Miami and turn myself in, Jake.' Jake stayed quiet as I sobbed. 'Hiding is not going to make a difference. If I turn myself in, the less time I get in prison, right?' 

"Lauren, you can't! You can't turn yourself in for fuck's sake!" he shouted. 'And what about Camila? It's going to tear her apart if you turn yourself in. Yes, she might be pissed at the moment because you're ignoring her but try and do something to keep your mind off it. I specifically told you to act like tourists and to enjoy yourself, not to worry yourself. I've got everything under control here and the police have no evidence against you anyway so-'

"You're just 16! You against the States, really Jake? Get over yourself!" he sighed and then muttered something inaudible. 

"Lauren! If you turn yourself in, I'm going to get in trouble because who helped you guys flee? Me! I bought the tickets with MY own money so if you do anything idiotic, I'm going down with you. And probably Camila too!" he warned. I sighed and wiped tears from my face. He was right, I had got enough people involved and if I try to do anything else, Camila AND Jake were definitely going to get in trouble too for helping me. Forget the past... Forget the past...

"Fine! I'm going to try... I'm going to try and forget the past and look into the future. Happy now?" 

"Yes, yes I am. I'm doing this for you, babe, I don't want you to go down for anything. Okay?" I nodded. 

"Yeah. I guess I'll head back to the hotel room then." 

"Alright. Sorry for shouting at you, I was just... never mind. Take care, the both of you." 

Anything Is Possible (A Sequel to "The End of Fifth Harmony Camren Fan Fiction")Where stories live. Discover now