Chapter 11

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Camila POV

   I don't know if I had made the right decision but something in my heart told me it was right. I don't know what my parents would say about this or how the girls would react to this news but they were miles away right now and neither of us knew when we would go back home. I missed Sofi and my parents, and the girls, and the food too but Lauren needed me right this minute. Imagine what I would've done if Jake hadn't called me. The girls would've probably blamed me for Lauren's disappearance, and I would've probably cried myself to sleep every night, knowing it was because of me she went missing in the first place. 

   I woke up in the morning to find Lauren's side of the bed empty. Instead of Lauren's gorgeous body next to me, it was a note with Lauren's neat handwriting written on the paper. 

Sorry for not being there when you woke up but I have to do this. Meet me at the beach at 3. Can't wait!

Lauren x

   Embracing the note, I do a sigh of relief, wondering what Lauren had in mind. A dinner by the beach? Flowers? Then ring? I didn't know what she had in mind but I couldn't wait! 

Lauren POV

   I love Camila and I knew my next actions were going to anger Jake but I couldn't care less. I knew exactly what he would say: 

"LAUREN!!!! YOU STUPID STUPID BITCH! DON'T YOU DARE BUY THAT RING WITH YOUR OWN MONEY! I could've bought it for you and then mailed it to you, goodness. Next time, just remember to motherfucking ask! Now the States would definitely be on your ass."

  Feeling the sun burning in my face, blinding me from everything around me, the word future places itself in my mind. What was my future going to be like? Would it be behind a prison cell, rotting in there for life or with Camz, still working on our career? What plan did God have in mind for me?

 Pushing the thought aside, I welcomed myself into Pandora. The automatic doors split and retreated to their own corner when I stepped on the black mat. Looking around, it seems I was the odd one out. Mostly everyone in the store were either middle aged or old and in a suit or a dress. Disobeying another rule of Jake's, I had drawn too much attention to myself by walking into a jewellery store wearing a leather jacket and torn jeans, compared to everyone else's smart wear. 

"May I help you?" a woman asked. I shook my head and looked around. Bitch, I thought, when I spotted her scrutinizing me. I give her a quick cheesy grin before rolling my eyes to face the rings. All of them looked rather exquisite, and expensive too. Anything for Camz, remember! 'Who's the lucky fella?' I heard the woman say. 

"Girl actually, who's the lucky girl." I corrected. Her eyes widened before turning into a smile. 

"Lesbian. Never would've guessed." she said, trying to fix a smile. 'You know marriage is only for male and female?

"So you're homophobic as well as a bitch?" her eyes narrowed to the floor as I kept smiling at her. Rolling my eyes at her, I get a glimpse of a ring. It wasn't too fancy nor too expensive either. The ring curved into the diamond resembling a figure eight. The curve had diamonds encrusted on it. 'Now you can help me.' I said to the lady. 'Make yourself useful and tell me how much this is.' The woman gave me a glare before turning her frown upside down. 

"7,000 US Dollars or 2800 CUP." she answered in a bitchy tone which made roll my eyes at her. 

"I'll take it." I said, reaching into my handbag to take out my purse. 

"Between you and me, Ms Jauregui, I think not." I heard a voice from behind me say. Shivering at the sound of my own name, I turn around to see a tall plump man with a rat's face stare back at me. I couldn't see common features like his eye colour or his hair since he had covered them with sunglasses and a bowler hat. What I could see was a pixie like ear hanging from the hat. Looking closely at the ear, I manage to see a black tattoo on the outline of his ear which read 'CS'. 

"Who the fuck are you and how the hell do you know my name?" I demanded. He reached into his pocket and pulled out an ID card in a position so that I could be the only one available to see. Comoran Strike, Private Investigator. 'Who hired you?' This Strike guy shrugged his shoulders. 

"Why don't we talk in the coffee shop just across the road. I'm sure your family and friends want to know why you're here, Ms Jauregui." I shivered at the sound of my name again. Without my permission, he wrapped his arm around mine and led me out of the jewellery store, breaking Jake's rule again by drawing attention to myself again. 

Anything Is Possible (A Sequel to "The End of Fifth Harmony Camren Fan Fiction")Where stories live. Discover now