Chapter 12

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Comoran Strike

   Before he had gone to Cuba to greet Lauren, he had to do something. After receiving the money from Jake, he set off to the police station to speak to someone - who obviously didn't want to be disturbed. 

  "Lopez!" Strike called when he saw Lopez, looking through some evidence about the hit-and-run case. 

"Strike!" Lopez shrieked before hearing footsteps behind Strike. 

"Sorry, Lopez. I told him to wait outside but-" Lee was interrupted by Lopez's shushing. 

"It's fine. It's fine." Lopez said. Lee smiled at him before closing the door, letting Strike into the office. 'What is now, Strike?' Strike shrugged his shoulders. 

"How are the cases going?" Strike asked, casually. 

"Terrible. We've just had to dismiss a case." Lopez groaned. 

"Which one?" 

"The one about the woman who got assaulted. She wants to sue us for not doing enough to find her attacker." Lopez moaned. Strike gave reassuring nods to act as if he cared but honestly, he didn't care at all. 'I mean, we've got thousands of cases to solve in this case and if this case has lack of evidence then there's nothing we can do. There's only two eyewitnesses for the poor lady. I do want to find the asswipe who-'

"How about the other ones?" Strike interrupted. Lopez cleared his throat in embarrassment.

"I gave up with the girls' case, hoping you've got any leads. Have you spoken to that Jake Bolton?" Strike nodded. 

"Yes, it seems he knows more than he claims he does. And I got it out of him." Strike grinned then carried on. 'It seems the girls have gone on holiday, he says. Mother always told me that violence is not the answer but sometimes you need a little violence to get an honest answer.' 

"You didn't?" Strike nodded. 

"He tried to make me feel stupid. He deserved a whoppin'." ignoring Lopez's aprenhensive look, he went on. 'How about the boy? I've heard he's woken up. Have you spoken to him yet?' Lopez shook his head. 

"It's about time this kid wakes up. First I have this Mr Jauregui shouting at me every opportunity he gets and then I have to deal with the boy's mother, Mrs Perry. Now she can shut the fuck up and let me do my job now the boy's up." Lopez grunted. 'Hopefully he doesn't suffer from anmesia otherwise it would make my job even harder.'

"What evidence have you got?" Lopez turned to his desk and took out some pictures and handed them to Strike. 

"Well like I've told you before, the car belonged to the woman but was stolen by the bastard. We've found DNA matching to the boy who got run over so the two cases match. However, we need to find the culprit who did this." he explained. Lopez went by his desk again and took out part of the number plate belonging to the assaulted woman in a plastic wallet. He handed the wallet to Strike. 'That's the plate.' 

"Have you found DNA matching the person who ran him over?" Lopez nodded. 

"We've started but the car was so burnt we can't find anything so far but we'll get there. We can't close another case if you must understand, Mr Strike." Strike sighed then grinned. 

"Yes I understand but some things are better left unsaid." he said before taking out a revolver. 

"Strike!" Strike cocked the gun. 

"If I were you, I would shut the hell up and start thinking of my family because you know I can shoot you right now and nobody would ever know I existed." he warned which made Lopez silent. 'Now, I want you to get rid of the evidence that links to Ms Lauren Michelle Jauregui as the culprit, yes?' Lopez nodded, panicking. 'Or Ms Karla Camila Cabello.'

Anything Is Possible (A Sequel to "The End of Fifth Harmony Camren Fan Fiction")Where stories live. Discover now