Chapter 30

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Lauren POV

   The next few days, which soon turned into weeks were followed up with constant boredom as I was strapped in a hospital bed, staring at the pastel green walls looking back at me. I missed the stage, the fans' cheery faces, their arms extending to reach me. Uhh I belonged on that stage.

   Ally decided to postpone our song until I got better which meant that Troy and Peyton had departed back to Texas, which sucked. The Doctor was wrong, it wasn't minor bruising. I had fractured a bone in my pelvis which meant I had to stay longer in this shit hole, knowing my Camz was thousand miles away, drowning in her guilt.

   Being in this hospital bed meant that I couldn't go home to Miami to see my family, or be present for Camila's 17th birthday. I glared at the bruises I had on my arms. WHY COULDN'T MY BODY HEAL ANY QUICKER?! I could've been holding her close to me, getting a whiff of her sweet shampoo, her soft hands latching onto mine.

   The only form of communication I was granted was from our moody publicist, Wilma. Half the time, she was on her phone and when I attempted to make small talk with her, she would screw me and answer in a monotone voice, "Yeah cool." Most of her answers made no sense, since she wasn't listening. She didn't allow me to speak to Ally, to discuss further lyrics I had in my memory bank so I had to force myself to remember them by humming them in a terrible tune, which changed everyday.

This bed is cold

I'm all alone

Look up at the stars they laugh at me

'Cause I screwed it up...

   "Will you please stop!" Wilma moaned as I kept humming the tune, ignoring her groans. 'Lauren!' She called.

"May I help you?" I questioned, staring at her. She sighed, as my humming carried on.

Camila POV

   "Thank you Miami, you were an amazing crowd! It's great to be back home!" I yelled, waving cheekily at the crowd, their exuberant roars ringing in my ears.

"We love you, Camila!" Screamed a few fans, making my lips curve, still waving.

"Lauren is still in hospital and it saddens us to know she's not here," I spoke into the microphone, my voice cracking at one point, hiding it by clearing my throat. 'so let's wish Lauren good luck, shall we?' There was an uproar in the crowd, all the fans booming Lauren's name. 'Ally, can we have the camera?' Ally scurried towards me, holding a Kodak in her hand, descending one of her hands to squeeze mine.

"You can do it, Mila." She whispered in my ear, winking at me, hearing her hearty chuckle in my ear.

"Thanks Ally!" I said into the microphone, smiling at her. 'Okay guys, when I say go, you will say 'Get well soon Lolo!' as loud as you can, yes?' They roared an enormous 'Yes' followed by very loud whooping. 'Okay, let's practise, 1...2...3 GO!' My heart sank hearing the fans scream my Lauren's name, knowing she was not here to experience this with me, seeing all the fans cheering her on. Normani and Candece and I guess the whole fandom had bought Lauren's cover up story about how it was an accident that she ended up in hospital but I just couldn't bear to know she was there because of me. A ball developed itself in my throat as the fans screamed, holding up signs which looked blurry as tears settled in the corners of my eyes. 'Th-that was...' I hadn't noticed Ally was standing next to me. She squeezed my hand once again.

"I'll take over from here." She said, removing both the microphone and the camera from my hands. 'That was awesome guys! Lauren will really appreciate the Miami flove. Can you do it again?' The crowd hollered a emphatic buoyancy, a grin appearing on my wet face. 'Okay, on the count of three repeat what you did earlier. 1...2...3... GO!' Ally turned the camera on, the lens erecting towards the crowd. 

"GET WELL SOON LOLO! WE LOVE YOU!" our posse yelled, Ally's hand manoeuvring around the room, capturing the crowds joyful faces, their hands attracting the camera. 

"THAT WAS WONDERFUL!" Ally shouted over the raucous screams in the background. Normani and Dinah egged the crowd on as the audience carried on roaring Lauren's name, my smile widening.

"LOUDER!" Norminah howled into their microphones, the crowd's volume level increasing. 

"I can't wait until Lauren sees your amazing faces again, I'm sure she'll cry seeing you guys again." Ally exclaimed, the crowd getting louder by the minute. 

"WE LOVE YOU LOLO!" they repeated much greater than before, their joy increasing. Ally soon switched off the camera, taking me by the hand and leading me to the exit of the stage. 

"We love you, Miami, and stay beautiful!" Dinah shouted, the crowd getting even more hyper by the minute, jumping up and down in their position. We stalked behind Dinah and Normani, Ally still holding my hand, her microphone and the camera, using her camera hand to wave salute the crowd before disappearing behind the scenes of bedlam, the crowd still cheering as we left. 

   "You did great, Mila." Ally whispered in my ear as she replayed the fan video, Dinah and Normani looking over her shoulder. 

"That was a really good idea, Mila, Lo is gonna love it!" Normani exclaimed, grinning at the video. 

"She really will!" Dinah said, giving me a quick smile before turning away from me to take a look at the video, Ally's voice booming out of the microphone and the fans' screams increasing, plastering a smile on my face. 

"Yeah, she really is gonna love." I started off. 'Hopefully she gets better soon...' I mumbled to myself, thinking of Lauren crying out in pain; her fragile body descending closer to the ground as a tiny murmur escaping from my mouth. 

IT WAS RUSHED!!! LENA YOU FUCKING SUCK FOR FORCING ME TO DO THIS HEHE U BAD BIAARCCH :) Hope you enjoyed this rather rushed chapter. Using my amazing predicting brain, YOU HAVE 1-2 CHAPTER MORE UNTIL THE STORY ENDS YAY! :'( Nah joking, I'm sure you're probably screaming hallelujah at the top of your voices. HAVE A NICE DAY AND PLS REMEMBER ALL THOSE WHO DIED 13 YEARS AGO IN 9/11 AND REMEMBER THE WARS GOING ON NOW IN THE WORLD, THERE ARE CHILDREN AND ADULTS AND OLD PEOPLE INVOLVED IN A WAR WHICH DID NOT CONCERN (yes words of a pacifist) THEM! But yeah, have a nice day. 

Anything Is Possible (A Sequel to "The End of Fifth Harmony Camren Fan Fiction")Where stories live. Discover now