Chapter 2

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In Miami

    Taylor Jauregui was the last person to see Lauren before her disappearance, well she thought she was. Her sister had promised her that she would call but she never did. She never called to reassure her that she was okay, or even to say that she was safe. Why hadn't she asked her sister where she was going before she left? It would've been easier to know where she was instead of wondering where she might be.

   The house was not the same without Lauren. Obviously it wasn't! Who would she scream with whenever One Direction came on? Who would she pester whenever she was bored? Lauren. But Lauren wasn't here and it bugged her that she couldn't tell the police anything. But she did promise Lauren that she would keep her mouth shut. 

   DCI Lopez and DI Lee made their way to the Jaureguis' lot to interview Taylor and her brother Chris, again. It was quite annoying seeing the same people who would ask the same questions but it was all Mr Jauregui's doing. Lopez and Lee needed information and they were certain that either Taylor or Chris knew something. 

   "When was the last time you spoke to your sister?" Lopez asked Chris - the two were separated in case they were covering for Lauren. Sighing Chris, didn't answer. Why was this asshole making it sound as if his sister was dead? She wasn't! She was just missing. Lopez repeated the question. 

"Here, at home." he answered. 

"What did she say?" Lopez interrogated. He studied Chris' face, looking for any sign of remorse or regret, anything in fact. But Chris didn't budge, he looked quite calm. 

"Not a lot. Just said bye and said that she was going to go and pick up her friend Dinah from the airport." 

"That's it? Is that all she said?" Chris nodded, still staring at Lopez in the eye. 'Was she ever distant lately? Not talking and a bit isolated?' 

"Why do you want to know?" Chris retorted. Bingo, thought Lopez as he saw the boy glare at him. Curling his lips, Chris still glared at the cop. 

"Because I want to help to find your sister."Lopez answered. 

"You haven't been doing enough!" 

"We're doing all we can to help. Now, answer the question." Chris eased his muscles and answered. 

"Two weeks ago... she sneaked out and my... my dad got angry at her and she got grounded. She stayed in her room... on her laptop under the covers because she wasn't allowed to use it but she found the hiding place." Lopez wrote notes in his notebook as Chris spoke, nodding each time. 


"Nothing else. That was the only time was she distant... that I remember of anyway." nodding again, Lopez examined him. He was calm, like at the start of the interview. 

"You said she sneaked out. Whereto?" Chris shrugged his shoulders. 

"To a party with her friend." printing words onto the notebook, he gestured at Chris to continue. 'And uh... she came back around 7 and she smelt of booze and weed. I begged her to tell me but she didn't tell us anything.' 

"Who was the friend?" 

"A guy named Jake." he answered. Lopez nodded and kept writing in the notebook. 

"Jake? Jake what?" 

"I don't know. Bolton I think." 

"Jake Bolton. How close are they?" Chris shrugged his shoulders. 

"She hated him at first but then she became friends and then they start hanging out every other week." 

"Hated him? Do you have any idea why your sister hated him?" 

"Because he liked her." Chris exclaimed. Lopez nodded again, drawing two lines under Jake's name. 'And because she thought he was annoying.' 

"How old is he, this Jake Bolton?" 

"16." Chris looked down at the ground for a while then looked back at the cop. What did Jake's age have to do with finding Lauren? Jake wasn't even around when Lauren went missing so why was he asking so many questions on Jake? 

"The party, huh? Who was hosting it?" Chris scoffed. 

"How am I supposed to know?" it wasn't meant to sound rude but this whole situation was fustrating. The cop was asking to many irrelevent questions which had nothing to do with the disappearance of his sister, nor did it have anything to do with Camila either. The people they should be interviewing right this minute was the three remaining girls of Fifth Harmony who were with her before she went AWOL. Lopez didn't react to Chris' rudeness but nodded again. 

"Well thank you for your time young man." Lopez said, holding out a hand for Chris to shake but Chris ignored his hand, leaving the living room and departed for his room. 

   Taylor's interview with DI Lee didn't go too great because each time she tried to answer any of Lee's questions on Lauren, she would begin to cry which made her answers very inaudible. But Lee didn't get fustrated with her but handed her a pack of Kleenex and rubbed her back as if Taylor was her offspring. 

"Everything will be fine," Lee said. 'we will do our best to find her, okay?' Taylor nodded and wiped away a few tears. Taylor did want to tell Lee that she had seen Lauren in the house early in the morning but she had promised Lauren that she wouldn't tell a soul. 'What is you relationship like with your sister?' Lee asked, retreating her hand to her notebook and pen and started writing. 

"We are very close. We don't tell each other everything but I relied on her and she relied on me." she manage to answer without crying. Lee nodded, and just like Lopez, wrote what Taylor had just told her. Lee paused to see if Taylor was going to burst into tears and when she noticed Taylor was gazing at her, waiting for her to ask her a question, she cleared her throat. 

   Taylor's interview didn't last too long. Lee hadn't interrogated her with "irrelevent" questions just like Lopez had done to Chris. Lee had just asked her about her relationship with Lauren and if she had acted a little weird during the last few weeks before disappearing. She said no even though she knew it was a lie. Some few days before her disappearance, she heard her sister crying herself to sleep. Forgetting to add the fact she was always in her room after being grounded. 

   If only she could've told Lee about Lauren coming to the house... if only she could've told her how she had told her not tell anyone. Even though she convinced herself every night that her sister had not run away, she did. Before she departed, she had a bag on her back... she did run away. But why did she run away?

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