Chapter 33

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Camila POV

   "Indianapolis, put your hands up for the final song and welcome those who helped me out with this tour!" Demi roared over the racous noise from the audience. 'Please welcome Fifth Harmony...' clutching onto Dinah and Ally's hand - Ally holding Normani's hand - walked onto the stage; the magnificent noise ringing in our ears as we got closer to the audience. The noise level increased massively as we still held hands, approaching Demi - who was still in speech mode as she welcomed more onto the stage. I let go of the girls' hands and bit my tongue, cheekily waving at the crowd whilst I was at it. 'And I would like to say a special good luck to Fifth Harmony with their upcoming album...' CAN SHE STOP SAYING FIFTH HARMONY?! There were four of us on this stage, not five! I blinked uncontrollably as Demi went on, the hall filled with yelling fans, attempting to stop my legs from trembling. A petite hand settled on my shoulder as many dark heads jumped up and down to the music hollering in the already loud atmosphere. 

"C'mon Camila, it's over now. We'll see Lauren soon anyway!" Ally called over the loud noise. There was a flush of excitement as Demi's sonorous voice sang along to 'Give Your Heart a Break'. 

"I... I love this song." I bit my lip, feeling a jolt in my legs telling me to start jumping. 

"Then dance with me, Mila!" she shouted, holding both of my hands as the lights flashed in our eyes; the dark faces cheered and sang along to the lyrics. 

   Our fall was inevitable; Ally and I had been jumping like buffoons - totally forgetting the fact that we were in heels - so after a third attempt at keeping our feet steady on the ground, we tumbled to the ground; the cold. hard surface meeting us on our way down. 

"Are you okay?" Ally snickered on her knees, attempting to get up. 

"YES! I LOVE THIS SONG!" I screamed, giggling on my own as I grabbed Ally's leg. She scowled at me from below, shaking her head. 'I just don't like it when you're taller than me.' I winked at her cheekily, her glare still focused on my every move. 

"Fine, I'll let you have that one." she grimaced, leaping to the music, high fiving God on the way up there. She soon had a firm grip on my hands again, springing to the air, my legs having a brain of their own, soon joined her. 

"GIVE YOUR HEART A BREAK..." we sang (well boomed) into our non-existent microphone we made out of our hands, Dinah and Normani choking Demi as she tried to bounce up in the air; the force of Dinah and Normani's strength pulling her back to the ground. 

   POP! A party popper exploded below our feet sending both Ally and I back to the ground. Starting from the bottom, I crawled on the floor, cackling along with Ally - who was already on her feet. Grabbing me by my hands, we carried on jumping to the music as more party poppers exploded around us. 

"I LOVE YOU LAUREN!" I screamed, oblivious of my surroundings and callous of who was around to hear. Lauren, wherever you were, just remember that I love you. She wasn't able to join us, but she was tattooed on my left breast; I was not willing to erase her. 'I love you, Lauren.' I whispered as the music started to mute. The thin strips that had emerged from the combusting party poppers had managed to glue themselves to every inch of my body. 

"I'm sure she loves you too." Ally mumbled in my ear before she joined an energetic Normani. 

   It must've been a long time since happiness pushed me to the edge to shed tears but I guess today it decided to act upon my emotions, allowing moist tears to fall down on my once dried cheeks. Dinah glanced at me a few times, the lights blinding me as the dark shadows carried on waving at us. My bulging eyes grinned at the crowd as my once white cornea soon was dyed a crimson colour. I bit my lip; it was the end. I was soon going to be joined with Lauren, and hold her in my arms as soon as she comes out of hospital. The waft of her hair soon joined me as I peered at the crowd who were still jumping; her soft delicate hands holding my waist as we both swayed in time with the climax of the music, her green globes giving me their full attention as her red painted lips meandered to reveal a coquettish smirk - Demi was right for calling us Fifth Harmony, Lauren was here. 

Anything Is Possible (A Sequel to "The End of Fifth Harmony Camren Fan Fiction")Where stories live. Discover now