Chapter 4

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Jake POV

   I kinder regretted telling Lauren to look into the future but she needed to move on from it; everything was going to be okay and it would be over soon. I didn't know when this nightmare was going to end but it will.
   It's been day two since their disappearance and the news of their departure was still on TV and on the front page of the newspaper. Their families and the girls' were still handing out fliers to alert people to contact them if they've seen them or know anything. Tempted to take part in the marches, I didn't in the end. First of all, her dad was probably going to beat the crap out of me saying that I'm a bad influence on Lauren and probably will blame me for her disappearance and then the police would put me as a prime suspect in their investigation. So I stayed put and waited for Lauren to call me.
   Mum tried to tell me as much as she could about Bryce's condition. All she did tell me was what that news article had told me, that he was in a coma... she thought he was going to be fine since he was responding well to the medicine given to him and he was breathing without a machine.
   Thinking on the bright side, he was going to be okay.

Normani POV

    All these marches and TV appearances didn't bring us closer in finding either Lauren or Camila. Where the hell would they have gone? Were they okay? All these unanswered questions made me even more skeptical and worried about the whole situation. I missed the both of them so much, the others did too. Where the hell were they?
   Lauren's parents' were doing their best at keeping sane and so were Camila's parents' but it backfired each time they tried. Papa J would occasionally go to the police station to see if they had any leads but it was always the same; nothing and then a lame apology.
   On top of both Camila and Lauren going missing, Bryce had been run over by some drunk asshole just as he was going to go to Camila's house. Everything bad was happening at the end of Mila's street. Imagine what happened to them if some bastard managed to run over poor Bryce... at this rate, anything is possible.
   But I had to stay positive, they were okay.

Lauren POV

   Camila had left me a note saying that she was 'hungies' and went to have breakfast downstairs. I knew she didn't want to be around me because I let my guilt over power my sanity. But I had to carry on for her. She followed me all the way to Cuba for fuck's sake! I shall forever be grateful.
   When I got downstairs, she was surrounded by a group of middle aged women all chatting about God knows what. Power walking towards her, Jake's warnings replayed in my head over and over again.
"Camila!" I said when I got there. The women all looked at me and then turned to face Camz.
"¡Buenos dias!" she called. Glancing at the women, I take hold of her hand and pull her to the corner of the room.
"What are you doing?" I demanded.
"Chatting to people who don't ignore me after everything I've done for them." she said sourly. 'If you excuse me, Mama hungry.' she said before looking the other way. I twisted her around and held her shoulders.
"I'm sorry about everything, okay, but I've got a lot on my mind at the moment."
"Well you said everything was going to be okay." I shrugged my shoulders.
"I'll make it up to you then! I'll... we can hang out after breakfast then and explore. Happy?" she sighed.
"I just want you to talk to me-"
"I am!" she scoffed.
"No you're not! Tell me how you're feeling and I'll help you. I didn't follow you all this way for you to ignore me as soon as we land for fuck's sake!" I groaned.
"No, not here. Upstairs." I said, pointing at the stairs.
"Come and eat with me then." I shook my head.
"I'm not hungry." I protested which made her shake her head. She tapped my stomach.
"Yeah you are! You hardly ate anything since yesterday."
"I'm not hungry though!" she sighed angrily.
"You know what, go and have a moan upstairs if you want and fuck hanging out with you!"
"If you knew what I'm going through right now-"
"Yeah, I wish I did." she said before retreating to where the women were.
"Welcome back darling!" I heard the women chant.
   Sighing heavily, I ran up the stairs and locked myself in the hotel room. She doesn't understanding anything! I wish I could make her understand but I couldn't tell her... Bryce could be dead or he might have problems with his health if he survives. And I would definitely get caught by the police. That's something she didn't get. Why else would Jake be talking about escaping if everything was okay??

At the police station

   DCI Lopez had looked at Jake's name thoroughly before circling his name twice. He obviously had no evidence to say he had a part in anything but something told him that Jake played a big part in Lauren's disappearance.
   With teens going missing, the result is that they ran away presumeably. Chris had said that Jake and Lauren hung out a lot before she went missing and they both went to a party together which did show they were quite close. What were they talking about when they hung out?
   "Harper!" he called for Lee's name as he looked at Jake's name again.
"Carlos?" she said, poking her head into the office. Lopez took a sip of his coffee before answering.
"Get me the address of a 16 year old boy named Jake Bolton."
"Why?" she questioned.
"I think he might be a lead to finding Michael Jauregui's daughter."
"And what about the Cabello's girl?"
"I doubt that they're apart. When two friends go missing around the same time, they probably found each other." she nodded.
"By the way, we need to interview the hit-and-run victim's mother for any information on her son." she mentioned. Lopez sighed.
"She knows nothing."
"She needs to tell us more, like what her son was up to during that day and names of any of his friends." Lopez nodded before putting exclamation marks next to Jake's name.
"Jake Bolton, 16 years old." he said before Lee left the office.

Camila POV

   As much as Lauren frustrated me, I had to be with her right now. I had no idea what she was going through and here I was making her worry even more by ignoring her. God knows all the pain she was going through right now, knowing what she had done. 

   Sighing, I rose from my seat, with all the women I had made acquaintances with staring at me. 

"I'm going upstairs quickly, I won't be long." I reassure them. 

"Hasta luego!" they chant as I power walk towards the stairs. Going three steps at a time, I manage to get to our hotel room. Putting the key in the keyhole, I turn the key and pull the door knob. Pulling back the door, I stare at an empty room. 

"Lauren?" I call as I enter. Gasping, I stare at an open window with the blinds swaying in the wind. Heart beating against my chest, I look through the window to spot her but she was nowhere. Where has she gone? Didn't Jake say no wondering around? 'Lauren!' I call by the window. Heads turned to look at me but none of them belonged to her. Lauren, where are you?


   OMG! Where's Lauren?! I hope you liked this chapter, it was kinder rushed so if it's not that interesting, sorry about that. If you're completely lost and have no idea what's going on so far since the previous fan fic, please let me know and I'll try to fill you in, in the upcoming chapters as much as I can. Hope you enjoyed and feel free to comment and vote etc. 

Anything Is Possible (A Sequel to "The End of Fifth Harmony Camren Fan Fiction")Where stories live. Discover now