[Chapter 2]

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I'm Not O-Fucking-Kay


I reached my class a good ten minutes late, using the excuse that I was talking to Mr Iero on the way and slid to the middle of the row by the wall and slid into my chair.

I knew I lied about being with Mr Iero but it was necessary, I had to say that so I didn't get into trouble on my first day back to school for being late. And also I didn't want Tom to think that I only came late to avoid being with him longer than I had to be.

Tom smirked at me as I sat beside him, leaning closer and slinging an arm around me, "Hey baby. How's your first day back? Hell? Oh how I hope it is." I shrugged off his arm, leaning away and trying to avoid all the looks that were so obvious from everyone in the class.

He was doing this on purpose. Tom wanted to get me worked up and cause a scene, just for the sheer entertainment he could get out of it. Tom was saying things and doing things that he knows will get a reaction out of me so I will flip out.

What a douche. Why would he do that to me?

He's already broke me like fuck by breaking up with me during the week off of school, humiliating me and depressed the hell out of me.

Tom leaned in closer to me with that same smirk that has started to piss me off so much, he checked the teacher wasn't paying attention before pressing kisses to my neck gently sucking and putting his hand on my inner thigh, massaging it before travelling upwards, still trying to get a reaction but no- this bitch can't be seriously thinking I would let him do that?

I stood up abruptly, meaning to cause the scene in the middle of class he wanted, my chair scraped against the floor and a few of the kids close by winced at the screech but I ignored it and glared down at Tom, "How fucking dare you touch me like that?! I don't want you, Thomas! Don't you fucking dare try touching me up in class!"

The older boy just smirked even wider and stood up too, just slower and without causing the chair to scrape against the floor, "Well, from what I've heard through your brother, you do in fact want me back. In more ways than one." Tom cocked his head to the side as if he was testing me.

He knew about the social anxiety, that I had panic attacks every so often when it came to speaking in public, he was trying to get me to retaliate to him in front of everyone. I wasn't having any of that.

Before I could even think over what I should do and what I shouldn't, I raised my fist and slammed it against Tom's face.

I didn't mean to, I just acted out without even considering what would happen and what the consequences of it were. People gasped and the teacher yelled for me to get out of the class and take my stuff to the head of year's office and that she'll be there in ten minutes.

Huffing, I threw my bag onto my shoulder and strutted out of the room without a word, pissed off at the teacher, other kids in the class, my brother but most importantly, Tom. He was a little fuckbucket.

I just had to find a way to get all of these emotions and feelings and thoughts out of my head and off of my chest, but I realised I didn't have anyone close enough to talk to about these sorts of situations.

Thinking about it, before, I would've gone to Mikey but now that I know he told Tom about me crying like hell over him, I didn't want to confide in him in case he decided to blab to Tom about it again.

I obviously had Bob and Ray, but I didn't have a special closeness to those guys for me to completely trust them with my problems.

What if they just went straight to Mikey about it and told him? Then he goes and tells Tom an we're back to square one with me having no one to talk to and Tom winning.

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